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Defining Project Paths in a Solution via Macro/Environment Variable

Is there a way to define the project file path in a solution using a user macro/environment variable? I can't seem to do that.

Kind of like an environment variable is used to define the additional include directories in a C++ project, except I want to do the same for the location of a project file in a solution.

I've tried editing the solution in a text editor to change the path to start with %MyMacroName% or $(MyMacroName) but neither of them seems to parse just right. The project files can't be located when the solution is opened.

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Sion Sheevok Avatar asked May 19 '12 21:05

Sion Sheevok

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2 Answers

In .sln file use syntax "%ENV_VAR%rest_of_the_path\test.csproj"

In .csproj file use syntax "$(ENV_VAR)rest_of_the_path\test.dll"

That works for me, ENV_VAR is custom environment variable defined for operating system like ENV_VAR = "C:\MyPath\"

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watbywbarif Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10


MSBuild allows you use to environment variables,


So that you should be able to define environment variables as you wish, and then modify vCxproj files to make use of them.

I am not sure if that tip works for sln files, as sln files are not MSBuild scripts.

like image 33
Lex Li Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10

Lex Li