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Non-blocking socket with poll

A couple of days ago I had to investigate a problem where my application was showing abnormally high CPU usage when it was (apparently) in idle state. I tracked the problem down to a loop which was meant to block on a recvfrom call while the socket had been set to O_NONBLOCK-ing resulting in a spin lock. There were two ways of solving the problem: set the socket to blocking or poll for available data on the socket using poll or select. I chose the former as it was simpler. But I am wondering why any one would create a non-blocking socket and then poll on it separately. Doesn't a blocking socket do the same? What are the uses cases where one would use a non-blocking socket and poll combination? Are there any advantages to it in general cases?

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341008 Avatar asked Jul 29 '10 08:07


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1 Answers

Using poll() or select() with a non-blocking file descriptor gives you two advantages:

  • You can set a timeout to block for;
  • You can wait for any of a set of file descriptors to become useable.

If you only have a single file descriptor (socket) to wait for, and you don't mind waiting indefinitely on it, then yes; you can just use a blocking call.

The second advantage is really the killer use case for select() and friends. It means that you can handle multiple socket connections, as well as standard input and standard output and possibly file I/O, all with a single thread of control.

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caf Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 03:10
