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Node.js Mongoosejs Crud scaffolding

Is there a way to create a crud scaffold by using the schema model used?

Must not be a framework, more of a utility.

Currently using: ExpressJS MongooseJS MongoDB

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Vartan Arabyan Avatar asked May 21 '12 20:05

Vartan Arabyan

1 Answers

I guess you could try to use RailwayJS? It has an example as well for setting up a CRUD scaffold:

railway init blog && cd blog
npm install -l
railway generate crud post title content
railway server 8888


There are a couple of alternatives, but I think Railway is your best bet, unless I misunderstand your question. You could implement something yourself, as was already suggested. For more on these alternatives, see these StackOverflow questions (you are not the first to ask this):

Is there a CRUD generator for Mongoose and Node.js and Underscore? Or a CRUD generator for a similar stack?

CRUD module or tutorial for node.js

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Doa Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 09:10
