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Alternatives to request-promise-native [closed]

I was looking for modern modules that implement basic HTTP methods such as GET, POST in Node.js.

I guess the most popular is request. The async/await version of it is called request-promise-native.

Recently I learned that these modules are being deprecated. So, what modern alternatives can I use that are built on the async/await paradigm?

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Sergey Avdeev Avatar asked Feb 21 '20 08:02

Sergey Avdeev

2 Answers

Got is pretty sweet.

"Got was created because the popular request package is bloated. Furthermore, Got is fully written in TypeScript and actively maintained." - https://www.npmjs.com/package/got#faq

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Yarin Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09


I'd strongly suggest using node-fetch. It is based on the fetch API in modern browsers. Not only is it promise-based it also has an actual standard behind it.

The only reason you wouldn't use fetch is if you don't like the API. Then I'd suggest using something cross-platform like axios or superagent.

I personally find using the same API on the server and browser eases maintainability and offers potential for code reuse.

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slebetman Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
