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How can I exit a nodeJS script from within the script?



Right now I have a nodeJS script that sets up a database for me. Whenever I run it in my command line, I need to ctrl-C to exit the script. I'm assuming that there is some kind of command within nodeJS to have it exit on its own when it's done, but I can't seem to find any such command by doing searches on the interwebz. Does anybody happen to know if this is possible, and if so, what the command is?

like image 938
thisissami Avatar asked Aug 12 '11 23:08


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2 Answers

you can exit the script by calling process.exit() (see http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.5.4/api/process.html#process.exit)

like image 191
marcelog Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09


you should be using process.exit(). You can pass any status also which will be displayed on the console log.

like image 23
Vickrant Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09
