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No configuration setting found for key typesafe config

Im trying to implement a configuration tool typesafehub/config im using this code

 val conf = ConfigFactory.load()  val url = conf.getString("add.prefix") + id + "/?" + conf.getString("add.token") 

And the location of the property file is /src/main/resources/application.conf

But for some reason i'm receiving

com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing: No configuration setting found for key 'add' 

File content

add {   token = "access_token=6235uhC9kG05ulDtG8DJDA"   prefix = "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/"   limit = "&limit=250"   comments="?pretty=0&limit=250&access_token=69kG05ulDtG8DJDA&filter=stream"   feed="/feed?limit=200&access_token=623501EuhC9kG05ulDtG8DJDA&pretty=0" } 

Everything looks configured correctly ?? do i missed something .



like image 573
MIkCode Avatar asked Jan 15 '15 20:01


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2 Answers

The error message is telling you that whatever configuration got read, it didn't include a top level setting named add. The ConfigFactory.load function will attempt to load the configuration from a variety of places. By default it will look for a file named application with a suffix of .conf or .json. It looks for that file as a Java resource on your class path. However, various system properties will override this default behavior.

So, it is likely that what you missed is one of these:

  • Is it possible that src/main/resources is not on your class path?
  • Are the config.file, config.resource or config.url properties set?
  • Is your application.conf file empty?
  • Do you have an application.conf that would be found earlier in your class path?
  • Is the key: add defined in the application.conf?
like image 132
Reid Spencer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Reid Spencer

Are you using an IDE or sbt? I had a similar problem while using Eclipse. It simply did not find the application.conf file at first and later on failed to notice edits. However, once I ran my program via sbt, all worked just fine, including Eclipse. So, I added 'main/resources' to the libraries (Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries", "add class folder"). That might help you as well.

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Tim Malt Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09

Tim Malt