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When do I have to treat my methods as partially applied functions in Scala?

I noticed that when I'm working with functions that expect other functions as parameters, I can sometimes do this:


But other times, the compiler is giving me an error, telling me that I should write a function like this, in order for it to treat it as a partially applied function:

someFunction(firstParam,anotherFunction _) 

For example, if I have this:

object Whatever {     def meth1(params:Array[Int]) = ...     def meth2(params:Array[Int]) = ... }  import Whatever._ val callbacks = Array(meth1 _,meth2 _) 

Why can't I have the code like the following:

val callbacks = Array(meth1,meth2) 

Under what circumstances will the compiler tell me to add _?

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Senthess Avatar asked Jul 11 '11 13:07


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1 Answers

The rule is actually simple: you have to write the _ whenever the compiler is not explicitly expecting a Function object.

Example in the REPL:

scala> def f(i: Int) = i     f: (i: Int)Int  scala> val g = f <console>:6: error: missing arguments for method f in object $iw; follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function        val g = f                ^  scala> val g: Int => Int = f   g: (Int) => Int = <function1> 
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Jean-Philippe Pellet Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10

Jean-Philippe Pellet