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No android device found in unity

When I am building a game for android, I get this message:

No Android device found! Make sure USB debugging has been enabled. Check your device. In most cases there should be a small icon in the status bar telling you if the USB connection is available. If you are sure that your device is attached then it might be your USB driver that's the problem. For details please check the Android SDK setup section in the Unity manual.

The cancel windows showed this error:

No android device found! If you are sure that your device is attached then it might be your USB driver that's the problem. For details please check the Android SDK setup section in the Unity manual.

The same error also appeared in the Console. How do I fix this error?

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p.karimdost Avatar asked Apr 24 '16 15:04


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Go to the Unity Editor. From the menu, choose 'File', 'Build Settings…' In the Build Settings dialog, under 'Platform', select 'Android' as the target and click 'Switch Platform'.

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If you wish to change the location of the Android SDK, in the menu bar go to Unity > Preferences > External Tools.

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1 Answers

Disconnect the USB cable from your android device, go to Settings > Developer Options and turn off and on the USB Debugging . Also tap on "Revoke USB Debugging Access". Now, connect the USB cable. When prompted tap "Yes".

If this doesn't help follow @Programmer answer.

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Kamran Bigdely Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Kamran Bigdely