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"No agent found in pool Default which satisfies the specified demands:

I am getting the below message while I am doing build in my Azure DevOps pipeline. Here I am using Azure DevOps pipelines, VS2017 and Windows 2016.

"No agent found in pool Default which satisfies the specified demands:




Agent.Version -gtVersion 2.161.0 "

This is failing when I'm using three agent jobs in single pipeline. If I run the same tasks in new pipeline it works fine. Could you please suggest the solution?

like image 423
usha chokka Avatar asked Dec 18 '19 06:12

usha chokka

People also ask

Which satisfies the specified demands Vstest?

Azure DevOps ServicesThe installer task satisfies the 'vstest' demand and a subsequent Visual Studio Test task in a build or release pipeline can run without needing a full Visual Studio install on the agent machine.

How do I restart Azure DevOps agent?

Right-click the entry and then choose restart. If you're running the agent interactively, then go to the PowerShell console in which it's running and press Ctrl+C to stop it and then run run.

1 Answers

In my case, we were getting the error and this is what solved it:

I logged on to our build server and restarted these three services:

enter image description here

In our case, it was just a problem with a single pipeline, as the other pipeline we use was running ok. I don't know why one pipeline worked and the other didn't since they both use the same agent, but restarting the services resolved it.

like image 143
dcp Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09
