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Is it possible to connect azure pipelines to on premise servers?

I'm migrating from Jenkins, Bitbucket, and Jira to Azure DevOps. I would like to use azure pipelines and connect on my on-premise server, deploy my application, run SonarQube, etc

I've tried to run a local agent on my machine, but I couldn't run a deploy.

It's possible.
All you need is a self-hosted agent and a deployment group. In my pipeline build I used the following tasks:
Then in Release Pipeline:
IIS Deployment

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Guilherme Bordallo Avatar asked Jun 12 '19 11:06

Guilherme Bordallo

People also ask

Can Azure DevOps deploy to on premise?

The on-premises offering, Azure DevOps Server, is built on a SQL Server back end. Customers usually choose the on-premises version when they need their data to stay within their network. Or, when they want access to SQL Server reporting services that integrate with Azure DevOps Server data and tools.

Can I run Azure pipeline locally?

You can run the Azure DevOps agent locally with its YAML testing feature. From the microsoft/azure-pipelines-agent project, to install an agent on your local machine. Then use the docs page on Run local (internal only) to access the feature that is available within the agent.

How do I connect to a VM from Azure DevOps pipeline?

Sign into your Azure DevOps organization and navigate to your project. Go to the Pipelines page and select Environments > Create Environment. Specify a Name (required) for the environment and a Description. Choose Virtual Machines as a Resource to be added to the environment, and then select Next.

2 Answers

You will need to run a deployment agent on-premises if you want to be able to deploy to servers that you have.


With that said, when you ran through the configuration did you setup the local agent you created in a pool? Did you assign the local agent to a build group and deployment group?

Did you follow the steps here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/agents/v2-windows?view=azure-devops

like image 99
Jamie Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 04:10


It's possible.
All you need is a self-hosted agent and a deployment group. In my pipeline build I used the following tasks: MSBuild@1
Then in Release Pipeline:
IIS Deployment

like image 23
Guilherme Bordallo Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 03:10

Guilherme Bordallo