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NHibernate - multiple JOIN to the same table by different keys

Another NHibernate JOIN problem.

I'm trying to join two different properties from one table by different two keys. But I can't get the second JOIN property.

Simplified example -

My class -

namespace Domain
   public class Message
      #region private Members

      private string _id;
      private string _senderID;
      private string _recipientID;
      private string _recipientName;
      private string _senderName;


      #region Public Properties

      public virtual string ID
          get { return _id; }
          set { _id = value; }

      public virtual string ID
          get { return _id; }
          set { _id = value; }

      public virtual string SenderID
          get { return _senderID; }
          set { _senderID= value; }

      public virtual string RecipientID
          get { return _recipientID; }
          set { _recipientID= value; }

      public virtual string SenderName
          get { return _senderName; }
          set { _senderName= value; }

      public virtual string RecipientName
          get { return _recipientName; }
          set { _recipientName= value; }


      #region Constructors

      public Message()
          _id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();


Mapping -

 <class name="Domain.Message" table="Messages" >
    <id name="ID">
      <column name="OID"/>
      <generator class="assigned"/>
    <property name="SenderID" unique="true">
       <column name="SenderID" unique="true"/>
    <property name="RecipientID" unique="true">
       <column name="RecipientID" unique="true"/>
    <join table="CompanyData"  optional="true" >
       <key column="CompanyID" property-ref="SenderID" />
       <property name="SenderName" column="CompanyName" unique="true" lazy="false"/>
    <join table="CompanyData"  optional="true" >
       <key column="CompanyID" property-ref="RecipientID" />
       <property name="RecipientName" column="CompanyName" unique="true" lazy="false"/>

but I get the following SQL -

SELECT  this_.OID as OID30_0_, this_.SenderID as Sender30_0_,
this_.RecipientID as Recipient30_0_, this_1_.CompanyName as SiteID9_0_
FROM Messages this_
left outer join CompanyData this_1_ on
left outer join CompanyData this_2_ on

And I want -

 SELECT  this_.OID as OID30_0_, this_.SenderID as Sender30_0_,
 this_.RecipientID as Recipient30_0_, this_1_.CompenyName as
 SiteID9_0_ , this_2_.CompanyName as SiteID10_0_
 FROM Messages this_
 left outer join CompanyData this_1_ on
 left outer join CompanyData this_2_ on

I'm using NHibernate 3.2


like image 794
Mr Mush Avatar asked Nov 14 '11 08:11

Mr Mush

2 Answers

I was lurking thru the internet all day long to find solution to same problem. What I found is thread on hibernate board. I took solution from Ashkan Aryan . So if anyone else gets headaches about solution and don't want to use views I will post my code which I am using now.

I have to use from 1 to 12 joins on same table so creating views is to much confusing.

private void addParagraphsQuery(DetachedCriteria sourceQuery, List<ParagraphContentArgument> paragraphsArguments)
    DetachedCriteria dc;
    Conjunction conjunction = Restrictions.Conjunction();
    string alias = string.Empty;

    if (paragraphsArguments != null && paragraphsArguments.Count > 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < paragraphsArguments.Count; i++)
            alias = "p" + i.ToString();
            dc = DetachedCriteria.For<Document>().SetProjection(Projections.Id());
            dc.CreateAlias("paragraphList", alias);
            dc.Add(Restrictions.Eq(alias + ".paragraphSectionTemplate", paragraphsArguments[i].ParagraphTemplate));
            dc.Add(Restrictions.Like(alias + ".content", paragraphsArguments[i].Argument, MatchMode.Anywhere));



like image 171
Mariusz Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10


Apparently, this cannot be done at the moment with NHibenate mappings. The closest solution, suggested by Spencer Ruport, is to create a view and map the object to it.

like image 27
Mr Mush Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

Mr Mush