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NGXS @Select usage with state model

When using an NGXS @Select decorator what is the right way to access properties defined on the state model.

E.g with the following state defined:

export interface UserStateModel {
 firstname: string;
 lastname: string;

  name: 'user',
  defaults: {}
export class UserState {..}

In a component if I want to select the user state like this:

..export class MyComponent {

  @Select(UserState) user$: Observable<UserState>;

     this.user$.subscribe(u => {
         //do something with user state

I get typescript errors as the firstname property doesn't exist on UserState (as it's defined on the related model type). If I'm referencing the property in the component html template then I don't have any issue.

There is a related discussion around selector usage but I just want to confirm what I should expect with the current version (and if I'm doing this correctly!).

I'm using "@ngxs/store": "^3.0.0-rc.2",

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Garth Mason Avatar asked Nov 30 '22 14:11

Garth Mason

2 Answers

The observable decorated by the @Select decorator will be of the model's data type and not the state class. ie:

export class MyComponent {

  @Select(UserState) user$: Observable<UserStateModel>;

     this.user$.subscribe(u => {
         //do something with user state

Another note is that I recommend the use of the async pipe in your template so that Angular manages the subscription and unsubscription for you.

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Mark Whitfeld Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 02:12

Mark Whitfeld

Take a look at this runnable demo project I just created.

It provides a demo to select allBooks$ and thickBooks$ from a BookStateModel that contains books: Book[].

Things to note:

  • @Selector() is declared (memoized) in BookState.ts so that it can be used elsewhere.
  • These memoized selectors can be used via @Select(Xxx).

Hope this helps.

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kctang Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 03:12
