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nginx directive is not allowed here in unicorn's example nginx.conf




I'm using nginx 1.4.1. After copying unicorn's example of nginx.conf, I found out the settings must be moved to different directives. I still couldn't manage to place the following settings in the nginx.conf file: worker_processes, user, pid and events block. When I place them as it is now, the log shows directive is not allowed here. What should I fix?

worker_processes 1;
user deployer sudo; # for systems with a "nogroup"
pid /run/nginx.pid;

events {
  worker_connections 1024; # increase if you have lots of clients
  accept_mutex off; # "on" if nginx worker_processes > 1

upstream abc {

server {

Update 1

I know about this post, but it's weird that whatever I am doing is not working. I couldn't find any docs in nginx.

like image 524
Victor Avatar asked Oct 09 '13 20:10


Video Answer

1 Answers

The original example cannot be used directly, because the main configuration is at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. /etc/nginx/nginx.conf has http directives, which includes the sites-enabled/* directives. The only changes to be made on /etc/nginx/nginx.conf are:

work_processes 4;
worker_connections 1024;

Also, remove text/html from it because it's already gzipped by default.

The end result of your nginx.conf in your app should have no http directives, just upstream and server.

like image 180
Victor Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 18:11
