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remove specific cookie in nginx reverse proxy

I have a nginx as reverse proxy that proxies my requests to different destinations. Client send different to nginx. I want to remove a specific cookie for one of my locations. For example if client send cookie A and B, I want to sent A form for /api.

How can I do that?

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heydar dasoomi Avatar asked May 15 '21 16:05

heydar dasoomi

People also ask

How do I clear cookies in nginx?

Replace if ($http_cookie ~ ... with if ($altered_cookie ~ ... and remove those cookies one by one. Removing cookies considering their attributes like HttpOnly will require a completely different approach. A much more advanced filtering can be implemented using some scripting via lua-nginx-module, njs, etc.

What is Proxy_set_header Nginx?

To adjust or set headers for proxied connections, use the proxy_set_header directive, followed by the header value. You can find a list of all available Request Headers and their allowed values here . If you want to prevent a header from being passed to the proxied server, set it to an empty string "" .

Is Nginx reverse proxy secure?

nginx is built to be stable and secure, but it will only be as secure as the user who configures it. Once nginx is built and installed, configuring the server to be as minimal as possible is important.

1 Answers

Assuming you are using proxy_pass directive and your cookie name is my_cookie, you can cut this cookie and its value from Cookie HTTP header this way:

location /api {

    # save original "Cookie" header value
    set $altered_cookie $http_cookie;

    # check if the "my_cookie" cookie is present
    if ($http_cookie ~ '(.*)(^|;\s)my_cookie=("[^"]*"|[^\s]*[^;]?)(\2|$|;$)(?:;\s)?(.*)') {
        # cut "my_cookie" cookie from the string
        set $altered_cookie $1$4$5;

    # hide original "Cookie" header
    proxy_hide_header Cookie;

    # set "Cookie" header to the new value
    proxy_set_header  Cookie $altered_cookie;

    ... # other proxy settings here

    proxy_pass <upstream>; # change to your upstream server

This complex regex allows to check if the my_cookie cookie is present no matter it is at the beginning, at the middle or at the end of Cookie header value. Here are several examples showing how this regex works on different strings:

Whole "Cookie" string                                          $1                      $2      $3            $4      $5                       $1$4$5
-----------------------------------------------------------    --------------------    ----    ----------    ----    ---------------------    -----------------------------------------
"some_cookie=value1; my_cookie=value2; other_cookie=value3"    "some_cookie=value1"    "; "    "value2"      "; "    "other_cookie=value3"    "some_cookie=value1; other_cookie=value3"
"some_cookie=value1; my_cookie=value2"                         "some_cookie=value1"    "; "    "value2"      ""      ""                       "some_cookie=value1"
"my_cookie=value2; other_cookie=value3"                        ""                      ""      "value2; "    ""      "other_cookie=value3"    "other_cookie=value3"
"my_cookie=value2"                                             ""                      ""      "value2"      ""      ""                       ""

For those who are looking for the same recipe but use fastcgi_pass instead of proxy_pass - use fastcgi_param HTTP_COOKIE $altered_cookie if_not_empty; instead of proxy_hide_header and proxy_set_header directives.

like image 73
Ivan Shatsky Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 11:10

Ivan Shatsky