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Is it possible to decrypt and view ViewState values?

I know there are tools out there that will let you see the content of asp.net viewstate. Is it possible to see and modify the content of viewState if it has been encrypted by adding the <machineKey ... /> node to the web.config?

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Abe Miessler Avatar asked Apr 14 '10 15:04

Abe Miessler

People also ask

How do you view ViewState?

You can check viewstate on executed ASP.NET page by viewsource from browser. There you can find _VIEWSTATE kind of hidden field. ViewState increases the size of the page because page and page control value store in it.

Is ViewState of the page encrypted?

ViewState is always encrypted. When working with sensitive data, it is a good practice to utilize encryption. The mode is a property on page, but is set using either a page directive or in the web. config file for the application.

What is ViewState in ASP.NET c#?

View state is the method that the ASP.NET page framework uses to preserve page and control values between round trips. When the HTML markup for the page is rendered, the current state of the page and values that must be retained during postback are serialized into base64-encoded strings.

2 Answers

Sure. ViewState is simply base64 encoded (unless you specify that it should be encrypted). Here's a link to someone that wrote a ViewState viewer. Here's another by Fritz Onion. You probably will not be able to directly modify the ViewState (i.e. outside of code) because ASP.NET has checks in place to specifically ensure that nothing has tampered with the ViewState. See the EnableViewStateMAC setting for more.


Thanks to link rot, the links to the various viewers are no longer valid. However, a simple search for "viewstate viewer" can find others on the Internet such as ASP.NET ViewState viewer

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Thomas Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09


Please take a look into here How to decode viewstate I have provided full source code to get StateBag from viewstate string. Encrypted states are also possible to decrypt using same method but assigning keys.

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Basil Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09
