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ng is not recognized as an internal or external command

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How do you fix Ng is not recognized as an internal or external command?

To solve the error "ng is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file", install the angular cli globally by running npm install -g @angular/cli@latest and make sure your PATH environment variable is set up correctly.

What to do if ng command is not working?

To solve the error "ng: command not found", install the angular cli package globally by running npm install -g @angular/cli@latest and restart your terminal. If the command fails, run it with sudo and make sure the correct PATH is set in your system's environment variable.

What is not recognized as an internal external command?

The “not recognized as internal command” error usually occurs because the computer cannot find the executable file it is trying to start. However, you can provide the full path to your executable and then it should run without any problem. Launch a Command Prompt window on your PC.

How do I install ng?

Type the command “npm install -g @angular/cli” on the command prompt and press enter to install Angular cli. Type “ng new hello-world” and hit enter to create the Hello World app. Once you see the message “Project 'hello-world'” it means the app is created on the disk.

I solved this problem in accordance with the figure:

run in cmd

 npm install -g @angular/cli

and then

( open in Windows 10) Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System or accordance with the figure

step 1:

enter image description here

step 2 :

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

step5: add missing ng path

enter image description here

Here is new environment variable that you need add: C:\Users\PK\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@angular\cli\bin

Finally, restart all opened command prompts and try again.

For me it works with:

npm run ng <command>

Adding C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\npm to System Variable Path worked for me. Please find your appropriate file path to 'npm'

Also, check if you have added your angular-cli\bin path to the path variable.

I am using WIN 10, just figure it out for this problem. Type the code below in cmd:

npm config get prefix

and copy&paste the path that you get it from the top into your computer environment variables-->user variables box --> path --> edit -- C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_global, your path may different.

Click Ok and reopen your cmd window, type in ng version, then it works! Cheers!