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New Window Icon (for web accessibility)

There are different ways to show graphics in a page next to text. I need to include a graphic/icon that indicates a new tab will be opened.

I know it's possible to do using at least these different methods:

  • Unicode character from default fonts
  • Unicode character from CSS loaded fonts
  • Inline SVG
  • Inline PNG

Please suggest a method to do this, and explain why or why not it's robust on different browsers and operating systems.

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Lee Englestone Avatar asked Dec 14 '09 09:12

Lee Englestone

2 Answers

I am coming late to this party, but look what I have found at CodePen !

enter image description here

a[target="_blank"]::after {    content: url();    margin: 0 3px 0 5px;  }
<a class="external" href="https://example.org" target="_blank">external link</a>
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Laryx Decidua Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

Laryx Decidua

For many Unicode characters you'll need to use the following font (at least for Windows, please comment for Linux and Mac if you're able to test):

a:link {font-family: 'Segoe UI Symbol' !important;} 

Also you can apply CSS selectors to use the target attribute as so:

a[target='blank'] a[target] 

Keep in mind that browsers are funny about the behavior of the a selector and a:link / a:visited so definitely test with that in mind.

Unicode 'Two Joined Squares' character:


Two Joined Squares


a[target='_blank']::after {content: '\29C9';} 


Mac OS X, Yosemite: 2 fonts, Apple Symbol and STIXGeneral

Unicode 'White Square with Upper Right Quadrant' character:


White Square with Upper Right Quadrant


a[target='_blank']::after {content: '\25F3';} 


Mac OS X, Yosemite: 3 fonts, Apple Symbol, STIXGeneral, Menlo.

Unicode 'Upper Right Drop-Shadowed White Square' character:


Upper Right Drop-Shadowed White Square


a[target='_blank']::after {content: '\2750';} 


Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite has three fonts: Arial Unicode MS, Menlo and Zapf Dingbats.

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John Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10
