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Can I dynamically set tabindex in JavaScript?

Is there any attribute like tab-index?

CONTEXT : I'm making a section in a web form visible or invisible depending on some condition where I want to set the tab-index manually when that particular section is visible.

like image 608
RVK Avatar asked Sep 22 '10 18:09


People also ask

Can multiple elements have same Tabindex?

If multiple elements share the same positive tabindex value, their order relative to each other follows their position in the document source. It should be mentioned that using tabindex should be avoided unless it's absolutely necessary and expected.

What is the difference between Tabindex 0 and Tabindex =- 1?

tabindex="1" (or any number greater than 1) defines an explicit tab or keyboard navigation order. This must always be avoided. tabindex="0" allows elements besides links and form elements to receive keyboard focus.

Can you add Tabindex to div?

DIV elements are not compatible with tabindex in HTML4). The following elements support the tabindex attribute: A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, OBJECT, SELECT, and TEXTAREA. Essentially anything you would expect to be able to hold focus; form elements, links, etc.

What is Tabindex JavaScript?

The tabindex attribute specifies the tab order of an element (when the "tab" button is used for navigating). The tabindex attribute can be used on any HTML element (it will validate on any HTML element.

1 Answers

document.getElementById("link3").tabIndex = 6; 
like image 62
hunter Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 12:10
