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Get a Windows Forms control by name in C#

People also ask

How do you find the control in a form?

You can use: f. Controls[name]; Where f is your form variable.

How do you access a form control from another form?

Control c = TheForm("Form1"); Once we have this, we can gain access to ALL the child controls including the children in other container controls on the form. The next method to declare is the one that locates the control to access on the form returned by the TheForm method.

What are the controls of Windows form?

Windows Forms controls are reusable components that encapsulate user interface functionality and are used in client-side, Windows-based applications. Not only does Windows Forms provide many ready-to-use controls, it also provides the infrastructure for developing your own controls.

Which property is useful to provide name for a control?

The Name property can be used at run time to evaluate the object by name rather than type and programmatic name. Because the Name property returns a String type, it can be evaluated in case-style logic statements ( Select statement in Visual Basic, switch statement in Visual C# and Visual C++).

Use the Control.ControlCollection.Find method.

Try this:


string name = "the_name_you_know";

Control ctn = this.Controls[name];

ctn.Text = "Example...";

Control GetControlByName(string Name)
    foreach(Control c in this.Controls)
        if(c.Name == Name)
            return c;

    return null;

Disregard this, I reinvent wheels.

Assuming you have the menuStrip object and the menu is only one level deep, use:

ToolStripMenuItem item = menuStrip.Items
    .SelectMany(it => it.DropDownItems.OfType<ToolStripMenuItem>())
    .SingleOrDefault(n => n.Name == "MyMenu");

For deeper menu levels add more SelectMany operators in the statement.

if you want to search all menu items in the strip then use

ToolStripMenuItem item = menuStrip.Items

However, make sure each menu has a different name to avoid exception thrown by key duplicates.

To avoid exceptions you could use FirstOrDefault instead of SingleOrDefault / Single, or just return a sequence if you might have Name duplicates.

this.Controls.Find(name, searchAllChildren) doesn't find ToolStripItem because ToolStripItem is not a Control

  using SWF = System.Windows.Forms;
  using NUF = NUnit.Framework;
  namespace workshop.findControlTest {
     public class FormTest {
        [NUF.Test]public void Find_menu() {
           // == prepare ==
           var fileTool = new SWF.ToolStripMenuItem();
           fileTool.Name = "fileTool";
           fileTool.Text = "File";

           var menuStrip = new SWF.MenuStrip();

           var form = new SWF.Form();

           // == execute ==
           var ctrl = form.Controls.Find("fileTool", true);

           // == not found! ==
           NUF.Assert.That(ctrl.Length, NUF.Is.EqualTo(0)); 