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Netbeans: how to change @author

People also ask

How do I change my name in NetBeans?

Open "project. xml" file under nbproject folder inside the project folder of the one you want to change the name. it is in the tag <name> . Just change it and that is it.


  1. Go to Tools -> Templates.

  2. Click on Settings button. A new panel with template settings will appear in your IDE:

  3. Uncomment the last line and change the value of "user" to what ever you like to be inserted after the @author tag.

PS: I think this blog will better explain how to update author template

In case someone else finds this while looking for the same functionality in Eclipse: Window -> Show View -> Templates

-In netbeans go to Tools -> Templates -> Settings -last line of the file, write like this user=xyz

N:B: Instead of xyz you could be used your name.