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what should be in .gitignore file for a netbeans java project?

What should be the content of the .gitignore file for a java project in netbeans?

like image 823
thuaso Avatar asked Apr 06 '10 15:04


People also ask

What should be Gitignore in a Java project?

gitignore file for java, that consider a lot of different files that are not included(jar, war, classpath, files that IDEA and other IDE generates and so on and on).

What should be in my Gitignore file?

gitignore should list the names or name-patterns of files that will be found in work-trees when working with your project, but that should not be committed to the project. In other words, it's not OS-specific, it's project-specific.

What is the purpose of creating a .gitignore file?

You can create a . gitignore file in your repository's root directory to tell Git which files and directories to ignore when you make a commit. To share the ignore rules with other users who clone the repository, commit the . gitignore file in to your repository.

1 Answers

# NetBeans specific # nbproject/private/ build/ nbbuild/ dist/ nbdist/ nbactions.xml nb-configuration.xml  # Class Files # *.class  # Package Files # *.jar *.war *.ear 
like image 53
mono68 Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09
