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How to increase font size in NeatBeans IDE?




I just bought a new monitor that's rather large and I am having a lot of trouble reading the text on my editor. I tried increasing the font size the usual way by going to

Tools >> Options >> Fonts & Colors >> Clicking the "..." button next to font >> and then choosing a large font size

This is the result: (click for full size)

As you can see the cursor becomes a lot larger but the font size remains the same. Does anyone know another way to effectively increase font size in NetBeans?

like image 834
James Avatar asked Jul 05 '10 18:07


People also ask

How do I increase the font size in NetBeans?

For output window, you can just press Ctrl + Up or right click in the area and select Larger (or smaller) Font.

How can I change font in NetBeans?

You can change the font and size for the code in the editor, either globally or per language. Go to the Options window, select “Fonts & Colors”, and tune the fonts and colors to your liking.

How do I increase font size in IDE?

Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Editor | General. Select Change font size with Ctrl/Cmd+Mouse Wheel in: Choose All editors below that checkbox.

How do I make my font bigger in Java?

You can't actually change the size of an existing Font object. The best way to achieve a similar effect is to use the deriveFont(size) method to create a new almost identical Font that is a different size. Note: you need to specify that bigNumber is a float, otherwise you'll trigger the deriveFont(int style) overload.

2 Answers

you might also want to change your font size for other parts of the IDE (other than the code).

Just add the parameter --fontsize <size> (default size is 11) to the startup command.

You can put it into the command line when launching IDE. You can also put it into the netbeans.conf file, which is in the /etc subdirectory of NetBeans installation.

Just place it as a last parameter into the netbeans_default_options parameter.

like image 74
Andy Dingfelder Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 09:11

Andy Dingfelder

To increase the font size of netbeans 7.3.1 and 7.3 , you go from menu Tools>>Options>>"Fonts & Colors" (is an inner menu in the dialog window of Options)

At the "Syntax" tab ,every entry in the "Category:" list-box ,you will notice that the font has the value "Inherited". If you find in the "Category" list-box the entry with the name "Default" and change the font value of that, you will affect the font size of your editor, because everything is inherited from "Default" entry .

Another method is to increase temporary the font of the editor by a combination of keys. To find what are the keys go to the "Options" dialog window by Tools>> Options and then choose the "Keymap" menu entry and then in the "Search" textbox type "zoom text" and it will show you what combinations of keys for zooming in /out.

for example mine is the combination of "alt" key + mouse wheel up/down

like image 22
panagiotis Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 09:11
