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Netbeans Android - Compile & Test on real device (Unix, OSX)

I've read several questions about testing android apps on device.
I know possibility to upload APK to web storage, allow unsigned apps and run it I've read some solutions using Eclipse I've read about installing apk through adb But nothing about Netbeans.

So Is there some automated solution for OSX/UNIX systems and Netbeans?

Note, I'm currently using OSX 1.7 and Netbeans 7.0 with NBAndroid plugin, but question is related to Unix/OSX in common and Netbeans since 6.5 (or lower if it supports)

like image 272
Marek Sebera Avatar asked Jan 18 '23 18:01

Marek Sebera

1 Answers

I will lay down answer myself, since nobody answered and I fugured it out:

  1. Edit your Android manifest due to this manual: http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/device.html

    <application android:debuggable="true" ... >

  2. run ./adb start-server or ddms from your android sdk to enable adb server

  3. On your device set USB Debugging mode to enabled, and connect your device to computer via USB

  4. run ./adb devices from within /platform-tools folder
    to view if your device is enabled correctly and visible to adb

  5. run project in Netbeans (F6) and select your device in top half of window (in section running devices)

  6. your app should be running properly on your real device, to see logs, you can use

    1. ./platform-tools/adb logcat -> debug messages in console
    2. ./tools/ddms -> gui to debug messages
like image 174
Marek Sebera Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 15:01

Marek Sebera