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UnsupportedOperationException with ArrayAdapter.remove [duplicate]

In my code I have a ListActivity. One of the context menu options for a list item is "delete", which opens a dialog confirming the action. I intended to implement this functionality by first deleting the item's data in the database and then removing it from the ArrayAdapter. It is in removing it from the ArrayAdapter that I get an UnsupportedOperationException...

public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) 

    //I -know- that the adapter will always be an object
    //of ArrayAdapter<JournalEntry> because this is the only type
    //I ever call setListAdapter with.  Debugging confirms this
    final ArrayAdapter<JournalEntry> adapter = (ArrayAdapter<JournalEntry>)

    //EXCEPTION OCCURS HERE                                

    //refreshes the ListView to show the new items

Any help appreciated. Thanks!

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Prime Avatar asked Jan 18 '23 21:01


1 Answers

It seems that this problem crops up when you initialize your ArrayAdapter with an array. Try initializing it with a List<JournalEntry>. Reference: Why can't one add/remove items from an ArrayAdapter?

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Sanjay T. Sharma Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 03:01

Sanjay T. Sharma