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.NET Attributes versus Java Annotations: Which Came First? [closed]

I'm a .NET developer learning Java EE. These two concepts seem to serve the same exact purposes in either system.

So which framework gets credit for inventing them?

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Tom Tresansky Avatar asked May 11 '10 01:05

Tom Tresansky

People also ask

Does Java have attributes like C#?

C# attributes, are a new feature with no equivalent in Java.

Does C# have annotations?

An annotation on a program element (commonly a class, method, or field) is a piece of meta-data added to that program element which can be used to embellish that element with extra code. In Java this is called an annotation, in C# this is called an attribute.

What are .NET attributes?

Attributes are used for adding metadata, such as compiler instruction and other information such as comments, description, methods and classes to a program. The . Net Framework provides two types of attributes: the pre-defined attributes and custom built attributes.

What is use of attribute in C#?

In C#, attributes are classes that inherit from the Attribute base class. Any class that inherits from Attribute can be used as a sort of "tag" on other pieces of code. For instance, there is an attribute called ObsoleteAttribute . This is used to signal that code is obsolete and shouldn't be used anymore.

1 Answers

Attributes have been part of the CLR since its inception. I have an old prerelease spec of C# printed out from November 1999 that describes them, but the earliest reference I can find is the C# 1.0 spec from 2001. This was clearly several years before the feature was added to Java.

EDIT: The book, C# Programming with the Public Beta, was published in 2000 and mentions attributes.

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Gabe Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10
