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Nested attributes unpermitted parameters

Seems there is a change in handling of attribute protection and now you must whitelist params in the controller (instead of attr_accessible in the model) because the former optional gem strong_parameters became part of the Rails Core.

This should look something like this:

class PeopleController < ActionController::Base
  def create

  def person_params
    params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age)

So params.require(:model).permit(:fields) would be used

and for nested attributes something like

params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age, pets_attributes: [:id, :name, :category])

Some more details can be found in the Ruby edge API docs and strong_parameters on github or here

From the docs

To whitelist an entire hash of parameters, the permit! method can be used


Nested attributes are in the form of a hash. In my app, I have a Question.rb model accept nested attributes for an Answer.rb model (where the user creates answer choices for a question he creates). In the questions_controller, I do this

  def question_params



Everything in the question hash is permitted, including the nested answer attributes. This also works if the nested attributes are in the form of an array.

Having said that, I wonder if there's a security concern with this approach because it basically permits anything that's inside the hash without specifying exactly what it is, which seems contrary to the purpose of strong parameters.

or you can simply use

def question_params

  params.require(:question).permit(team_ids: [])


Actually there is a way to just white-list all nested parameters.

params.require(:widget).permit(:name, :description).tap do |whitelisted|
  whitelisted[:position] = params[:widget][:position]
  whitelisted[:properties] = params[:widget][:properties]

This method has advantage over other solutions. It allows to permit deep-nested parameters.

While other solutions like:

params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age, pets_attributes: [:id, :name, :category])


