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Need to use floats for performance yet want double-precision calculations

MonoGame is an open-source version of Microsoft's XNA. It's a framework for building cross-platform games.

It has a number of mathematical types such as Vector and Quaternion.

I am a bit baffled by they way they are using doubles and floats.

So far I have gathered the following information:

  • floats are likely to be more efficient than doubles;
  • doubles have higher precision than floats.

Here is a kind of method that confuses me:

/// <summary>
/// Transforms a single Vector2, or the vector normal (x, y, 0, 0), by a specified Quaternion rotation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The vector to rotate.</param><param name="rotation">The Quaternion rotation to apply.</param>
public static Vector2 Transform(Vector2 value, Quaternion rotation)
  float num1 = rotation.X + rotation.X;
  float num2 = rotation.Y + rotation.Y;
  float num3 = rotation.Z + rotation.Z;
  float num4 = rotation.W * num3;
  float num5 = rotation.X * num1;
  float num6 = rotation.X * num2;
  float num7 = rotation.Y * num2;
  float num8 = rotation.Z * num3;
  float num9 = (float) ((double) value.X * (1.0 - (double) num7 - (double) num8) + (double) value.Y * ((double) num6 - (double) num4));
  float num10 = (float) ((double) value.X * ((double) num6 + (double) num4) + (double) value.Y * (1.0 - (double) num5 - (double) num8));
  Vector2 vector2;
  vector2.X = num9;
  vector2.Y = num10;
  return vector2;

Why not use either doubles of floats throughout (e.g. inline num1..num8 as double expressions into num9 and num10)?

like image 980
Den Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 04:03


1 Answers

The key point here is that a series of calculations are all being done in double, without rounding the intermediate results to float. That may result in the final float result being closer to the one that would have resulted from infinitely precise arithmetic, given the float inputs.

There is little performance difference between 32-bit and 64-bit floating point arithmetic. There is a big space difference between storing 32-bit and storing 64-bit.

Halving the number of bytes to store each value may make a big difference in performance. It effectively doubles size of each cache, and the bandwidth of each data transfer path.

like image 167
Patricia Shanahan Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 18:04

Patricia Shanahan