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Need C++ parser





I need a good, stable and, maybe, easy to use C++ parser library with C/C++ interface (C is preferred).
I hear that cint is good c++ interpreter. Can I use it (or some part of it) for this purpose?
Any suggestions?

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Artem Avatar asked Jan 04 '11 12:01


People also ask

What is C parser?

The C/C++ parser is used for C and C++ language source files. The C/C++ parser uses syntax highlighting to identify language elements, including the following elements: Identifiers. Operators. Punctuation.

Is C hard to parse?

C is a bit hard to parse because statements like `A * B();` will mean different things if A is defined as a type or note. C++ is much harder to parse because the template syntax is hard to disambiguate from less than or greater than.

How does C parser work?

C is compiled with a compiler, which is run once before the program may be run thousands of times. Most C compilers make several 'passes': lexing input into tokens, parsing the tokens into a tree, then modifying the Abstract Syntax Tree to generate symbol tables for each of the scopes of execution.

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Yacc (yet another compiler compiler) is a grammar parser and parser generator. That is, it is a program that reads a grammar specification and generates code that is able to organize input tokens in a syntactic tree in accordance with the grammar.

2 Answers

See: http://clang.llvm.org/ It has both a C++ and a C interface (libclang).

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kbjorklu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09


C++ parsing is famously hard. AFAIK there are only three parsers that are acceptable by todays standards: EDG (widely used as a frontend in popular C++ compilers), GCC's and Microsoft's. And apparently, Microsoft has started using EDG's parser in VS2010, for Intellisense.

When you're looking at the free options, you're pretty much stuck at GCC. It can produce XML, though, so the easy part is there. (Easy by C++ parsing standards, that is)

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MSalters Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09
