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MySQL save results of EXECUTE in a variable?

How do I save the results of EXECUTE statement to a variable? Something like

SET a = (EXECUTE stmtl); 
like image 490
Egor Pavlikhin Avatar asked Apr 09 '10 15:04

Egor Pavlikhin

People also ask

How do I assign a query result to a variable in MySQL?

The syntax for assigning a value to a SQL variable within a SELECT query is @ var_name := value , where var_name is the variable name and value is a value that you're retrieving. The variable may be used in subsequent queries wherever an expression is allowed, such as in a WHERE clause or in an INSERT statement.

Can we store value in variable in MySQL?

You can store a value in a user-defined variable in one statement and refer to it later in another statement. This enables you to pass values from one statement to another. User variables are written as @ var_name , where the variable name var_name consists of alphanumeric characters, . , _ , and $ .

How can I store multiple values in one variable in MySQL?

The following works as expected when there is a single value stored in a variable. SET @a := "20100630"; SELECT * FROM wordbase WHERE verified = @a; But it does not work when there are multiple values stored in a variable. SET @a := "'20100630', '20100701' "; SELECT * FROM wordbase WHERE verified in (@a);

How do you store SQL query result in a variable in PHP?

Use the following syntax : $result= mysql_query(".. your query.."); Note that this variable can also store multiple rows depending on your query. Also note that statements other than "select" will return the no of rows affected.

1 Answers

If you want to do this with a prepared statement, then you need to include the variable assignment in the original statement declaration.

If you want to use a stored routine it's easier. You can assign the return value of a stored function directly to a variable, and stored procedures support out parameters.


Prepared Statement:

PREPARE square_stmt from 'select pow(?,2) into @outvar'; set @invar = 1; execute square_stmt using @invar; select @outvar; +---------+ | @outvar | +---------+ |       1 | +---------+ DEALLOCATE PREPARE square_stmt; 

Stored Function:

delimiter $$ create function square_func(p_input int) returns int begin   return pow(p_input,2); end $$ delimiter ;  set @outvar = square_func(2); select @outvar; +---------+ | @outvar | +---------+ |       4 | +---------+ 

Stored Procedure:

delimiter $$ create procedure square_proc(p_input int, p_output int) begin   set p_output = pow(p_input,2); end $$ delimiter ;  set @outvar = square_func(3); call square_proc(2,@outvar); select @outvar; +---------+ | @outvar | +---------+ |       9 | +---------+ 
like image 157
Ike Walker Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Ike Walker