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MySQL: Select All Dates In a Range Even If No Records Present

I have a database of users. I would like to create a graph based on userbase growth. The query I have now is:

SELECT DATE(datecreated), count(*) AS number FROM users  WHERE DATE(datecreated) > '2009-06-21' AND DATE(datecreated) <= DATE(NOW()) GROUP BY DATE(datecreated) ORDER BY datecreated ASC 

This returns almost what I want. If we get 0 users one day, that day is not returned as a 0 value, it is just skipped and the next day that has at least one user is returned. How can I get something like (psuedo-response):

date1 5 date2 8 date3 0 date4 0 date5 9 etc... 

where the dates with zero show up in sequential order with the rest of the dates?


like image 844
Jason Avatar asked Jun 26 '09 00:06


People also ask

How do I select a date range in MySQL?

If you need to select rows from a MySQL database' table in a date range, you need to use a command like this: SELECT * FROM table WHERE date_column >= '2014-01-01' AND date_column <= '2015-01-01'; Of course you need to change: table.

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SELECT DATE(r1. reportdate) + INTERVAL 1 DAY AS missing_date FROM Reports r1 LEFT OUTER JOIN Reports r2 ON DATE(r1. reportdate) = DATE(r2. reportdate) - INTERVAL 1 DAY WHERE r1.

How do I select all rows except one?

You have a few options: SELECT * FROM table WHERE id != 4; SELECT * FROM table WHERE NOT id = 4; SELECT * FROM table WHERE id <> 4; Also, considering perhaps sometime in the future you may want to add/remove id's to this list, perhaps another table listing id's which you don't want selectable would be a good idea.

1 Answers

I hope you will figure out the rest.

select  * from ( select date_add('2003-01-01 00:00:00.000', INTERVAL n5.num*10000+n4.num*1000+n3.num*100+n2.num*10+n1.num DAY ) as date from (select 0 as num    union all select 1    union all select 2    union all select 3    union all select 4    union all select 5    union all select 6    union all select 7    union all select 8    union all select 9) n1, (select 0 as num    union all select 1    union all select 2    union all select 3    union all select 4    union all select 5    union all select 6    union all select 7    union all select 8    union all select 9) n2, (select 0 as num    union all select 1    union all select 2    union all select 3    union all select 4    union all select 5    union all select 6    union all select 7    union all select 8    union all select 9) n3, (select 0 as num    union all select 1    union all select 2    union all select 3    union all select 4    union all select 5    union all select 6    union all select 7    union all select 8    union all select 9) n4, (select 0 as num    union all select 1    union all select 2    union all select 3    union all select 4    union all select 5    union all select 6    union all select 7    union all select 8    union all select 9) n5 ) a where date >'2011-01-02 00:00:00.000' and date < NOW() order by date 


select n3.num*100+n2.num*10+n1.num as date 

you will get a column with numbers from 0 to max(n3)*100+max(n2)*10+max(n1)

Since here we have max n3 as 3, SELECT will return 399, plus 0 -> 400 records (dates in calendar).

You can tune your dynamic calendar by limiting it, for example, from min(date) you have to now().

like image 172
Igor Kryltsov Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 13:09

Igor Kryltsov