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MySQL/Apache Error in PHP MySQL query





I am getting the following error:

Access denied for user 'apache'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

When using the following code:

<?php  include("../includes/connect.php");  $query = "SELECT * from story";  $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());  echo "<h1>Delete Story</h1>";  if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {     while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){           echo '<b>'.$row[1].'</b><span align="right"><a href="../process/delete_story.php?id='.$row[0].'">Delete</a></span>';       echo '<br /><i>'.$row[2].'</i>';     } } else {    echo "No stories available."; } ?> 

The connect.php file contains my MySQL connect calls that are working fine with my INSERT queries in another portion of the software. If I comment out the $result = mysql_query line, then it goes through to the else statement. So, it is that line or the content in the if.

I have been searching the net for any solutions, and most seem to be related to too many MySQL connections or that the user I am logging into MySQL as does not have permission. I have checked both. I can still perform my other queries elsewhere in the software, and I have verified that the account has the correct permissions.

like image 463
Mesidin Avatar asked Aug 05 '08 21:08


People also ask

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Instead, use mysql_errno() to retrieve the error code. Note that this function only returns the error code from the most recently executed MySQL function (not including mysql_error() and mysql_errno()), so if you want to use it, make sure you check the value before calling another MySQL function.

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2 Answers

And if it matters at all, apache@localhost is not the name of the user account that I use to get into the database. I don't have any user accounts with the name apache in them at all for that matter.

If it is saying 'apache@localhost' the username is not getting passed correctly to the MySQL connection. 'apache' is normally the user that runs the httpd process (at least on Redhat-based systems) and if no username is passed during the connection MySQL uses whomever is calling for the connection.

If you do the connection right in your script, not in a called file, do you get the same error?

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dragonmantank Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09


Change the include() to require(). If the "connect.php" file can't be require()d, the script will fail with a fatal error, whereas include() only generates a warning. If the username you're passing to mysql_connect() isn't "apache", an incorrect path to the connect script is the most common way to get this type of error.

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Piskvor left the building Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Piskvor left the building