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How to get children and id in jQuery Nestable plugin after drag and drop item and update in database?

I'm using jQuery Nestable plugin to create a menu editor for a website. I've tried to get item ID and Children after user clicks on menu items and change their position.

Issue: I don't know how to get ID and Children and update into database.

Here is jQuery Nestable plugin

<script>     $(document).ready(function () {         var updateOutput = function (e) {             var list = e.length ? e : $(e.target), output = list.data('output');             if (window.JSON) {output.val(window.JSON.stringify(list.nestable('serialize')));//, null, 2));             } else {                 output.val('JSON browser support required for this demo.');             }         console.log(list.nestable('serialize'));         console.log(window.JSON.stringify(list.nestable('serialize')));         };         $('#nestable').nestable({             group: 1,             maxDepth: 7,         }).on('change', updateOutput);         updateOutput($('#nestable').data('output', $('#nestable-output')));     }); </script> 

Here is HTML for menus

<div class="cf nestable-lists">     <div class="dd" id="nestable">         <ol class="dd-list">             <li class="dd-item" data-id="1"> <div class="dd-handle">Item 1 when parent == 0</div> </li>             <li class="dd-item" data-id="44"> <div class="dd-handle"> Item 2 when this parent_id == its id </div>                 <ol class="dd-list">                     <li class="dd-item" data-id="3"><div class="dd-handle">Item 3</div></li>                     <li class="dd-item" data-id="4"><div class="dd-handle">Item 3</div></li>                     <li class="dd-item" data-id="5"><div class="dd-handle">Item 3</div></li>                     <li class="dd-item" data-id="6"><div class="dd-handle">Item 3</div></li>                 </ol>             </li>         </ol>     </div> </div> 

The result on Console



In my structure I want to update menus when Parent_id == id where menus id and create level of menus item bu number of M_order. But I don't know to create this structure.

And here is var_dump($this->input->post('list'));

 1 =>      array (size=1)       'id' => string '2' (length=1)   2 =>      array (size=1)       'id' => string '3' (length=1)   3 =>      array (size=1)       'id' => string '4' (length=1)   4 =>      array (size=1)       'id' => string '5' (length=1)   5 =>      array (size=2)       'id' => string '6' (length=1)       'children' =>          array (size=1)           0 =>              array (size=2)               ... 

Here is images of my Table structure and menus

enter image description here

like image 857
DMS-KH Avatar asked Jul 21 '15 06:07


1 Answers

To send the list to PHP, you have to change your updateOutput function to post the list via AJAX:

<script> $(document).ready(function () {     var updateOutput = function (e) {         var list = e.length ? e : $(e.target), output = list.data('output');          $.ajax({             method: "POST",             url: "saveList.php",             data: {                 list: list.nestable('serialize')             }         }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){             alert("Unable to save new list order: " + errorThrown);         });     };      $('#nestable').nestable({         group: 1,         maxDepth: 7,     }).on('change', updateOutput); }); </script> 

In PHP, you will receive $_POST['list'], which will look as shown below. In this case, I dragged the 4th item (id 6) to the 2nd place (after id 3) on the list, so the expected order is 3, 6, 4, 5:

Array (     [0] => Array (         [id] => 1     )     [1] => Array (         [id] => 44         [children] => Array (             [0] => Array (                 [id] => 3             )             [1] => Array (                 [id] => 6             )             [2] => Array (                 [id] => 4             )             [3] => Array (                 [id] => 5             )         )     ) ) 

Then you can just iterate over this array and update your database accordingly.

Edit: In order to save the data in PHP, you'll have to use recursion to navigate all the children arrays that might exist. I wrote a simple script that will save on every ordering change:


<?php require "pdoConnection.php"; $list = getFullListFromDB($conn); ?>  <html> <head> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/dbushell/Nestable/master/jquery.nestable.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function () {     var updateOutput = function (e) {         var list = e.length ? e : $(e.target), output = list.data('output');          $.ajax({             method: "POST",             url: "saveList.php",             data: {                 list: list.nestable('serialize')             }         }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){             alert("Unable to save new list order: " + errorThrown);         });     };      $('#nestable').nestable({         group: 1,         maxDepth: 7,     }).on('change', updateOutput); }); </script> </head>  <body> <div class="cf nestable-lists">     <div class="dd" id="nestable"> <?php displayList($list); ?>     </div> </div> </body> </html>  <?php function getFullListFromDB($conn, $parent_id = 0) {     $sql = "         SELECT id, parent_id, description         FROM items          WHERE parent_id = :parent_id         ORDER BY m_order     ";      $statement = $conn->prepare($sql);     $statement->bindValue(':parent_id', $parent_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);     $statement->execute();      $result = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);      foreach($result as &$value) {         $subresult = getFullListFromDB($conn, $value["id"]);          if (count($subresult) > 0) {             $value['children'] = $subresult;         }     }     unset($value);      return $result; }  function displayList($list) { ?>     <ol class="dd-list">     <?php foreach($list as $item): ?>     <li class="dd-item" data-id="<?php echo $item["id"]; ?>"><div class="dd-handle"><?php echo $item["description"]; ?></div>     <?php if (array_key_exists("children", $item)): ?>     <?php displayList($item["children"]); ?>     <?php endif; ?>     </li>     <?php endforeach; ?>     </ol> <?php } ?> 


<?php  require "pdoConnection.php";  if ($_POST) {     saveList($conn, $_POST['list']);     exit; }  function saveList($conn, $list, $parent_id = 0, &$m_order = 0) {     foreach($list as $item) {         $m_order++;          $sql = "             UPDATE items             SET                  parent_id = :parent_id,                 m_order = :m_order             WHERE id = :id         ";         $statement = $conn->prepare($sql);         $statement->bindValue(":parent_id", $parent_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);         $statement->bindValue(":id", $item["id"], PDO::PARAM_INT);         $statement->bindValue(":m_order", $m_order, PDO::PARAM_INT);         $statement->execute();          if (array_key_exists("children", $item)) {             saveList($conn, $item["children"], $item["id"], $m_order);         }     } }  ?> 


<?php $server = "myServer"; $database = "DbName"; $username = "myself"; $password = "secret"; $conn = new PDO("sqlsrv:Server=$server;Database=$database", $username, $password); ?> 

Table definition (MSSQL)

CREATE TABLE [items](     [id] [int] NOT NULL,     [parent_id] [int] NOT NULL,     [description] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,     [m_order] [int] NOT NULL,     CONSTRAINT [PK_items] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([id] ASC) ) ON [PRIMARY]  INSERT [items] ([id], [parent_id], [description], [m_order]) VALUES (1, 0, N'Item 1', 1) INSERT [items] ([id], [parent_id], [description], [m_order]) VALUES (2, 0, N'Item 2', 2) INSERT [items] ([id], [parent_id], [description], [m_order]) VALUES (3, 2, N'Item 3.1', 3) INSERT [items] ([id], [parent_id], [description], [m_order]) VALUES (4, 2, N'Item 3.2', 4) INSERT [items] ([id], [parent_id], [description], [m_order]) VALUES (5, 2, N'Item 3.3', 5) INSERT [items] ([id], [parent_id], [description], [m_order]) VALUES (6, 2, N'Item 3.4', 6) 
like image 59
Marcos Dimitrio Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10

Marcos Dimitrio