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My angular 2 app takes a long time to load for first time users, I need help to speed it up

Below I have pasted in my app.ts file.

I'm using angular2, with firebase and typescript.

Is the reason its slow because I have a lot of routes and I'm injecting a lot of files?

Also, my app works fine its just for first time users visiting the homepage I have this issue for.

I'm not sure if the bootstrap can be improved at the bottom or if I'm doing anything wrong.

This is my app.ts file:

import {Component, bind, provide, Injectable} from 'angular2/core'; import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser' import {NgIf} from 'angular2/common'; import {Router, Location, ROUTER_BINDINGS, RouterOutlet, RouteConfig, RouterLink, ROUTER_PROVIDERS, APP_BASE_HREF, CanActivate, OnActivate,     ComponentInstruction} from 'angular2/router'; import {HTTP_PROVIDERS, Http, Headers} from 'angular2/http'; import {ANGULAR2_GOOGLE_MAPS_PROVIDERS} from 'angular2-google-maps/core'; import {enableProdMode} from 'angular2/core'; enableProdMode();  import {LoggedInRouterOutlet} from './interceptor';  import {AuthService} from './services/authService/authService'; import {SocialService} from './services/socialService/socialService'; import {UserService} from './services/userService/userService'; import {OrganisationService} from './services/organisationService/organisationService'; import {NotificationService} from './services/notificationService/notificationService'; import {EmailService} from './services/emailService/emailService';  import {UserProfile} from './models/profile/profile'; import {Organisation} from './models/organisation/organisation';  import {HeaderNavigation} from './components/header/header'; import {HeaderNavigationLoggedIn} from './components/header/headerNavigationLoggedIn'; import {HeaderNavigationLoggedInCompany} from './components/header/headerNavigationLoggedInCompany'; import {Footer} from './components/footer/footer'; import {SideMenuCompany} from './components/header/sideMenuCompany'; import {SideMenuUser} from './components/header/sideMenuUser'; import {Splash} from './components/splash/splash';  import {CreateJob} from './components/createJob/createJob'; import {SearchJobs} from './components/searchJobs/searchJobs'; import {Login} from './components/login/login'; import {Applications} from './components/applications/applications'; import {Register} from './components/register/register'; import {ForgotPassword} from './components/forgotpassword/forgotpassword'; import {ChangePassword} from './components/changepassword/changepassword'; import {ChangeEmail} from './components/changeemail/changeemail'; import {SocialRegister} from './components/socialregister/socialregister'; import {Admin} from './components/admin/admin'; import {Contact} from './components/contact/contact'; import {SearchUsers} from './components/searchusers/searchusers';  import {Jobs} from './components/job/jobs'; import {CompanyProfile} from './components/company/company'; import {Home} from './components/home/home'; import {Dashboard} from './components/dashboard/dashboard'; import {Profile} from './components/profile/profile'; import {UserApplications} from './components/userApplications/userApplications';  @Component({     selector: 'app',     providers: [UserService, UserProfile, OrganisationService, Organisation],     template: `          <Splash *ngIf="isLoggedIn"></Splash>              <HeaderNavigation *ngIf="!isLoggedIn"></HeaderNavigation>                 <HeaderNavigationLoggedIn *ngIf="isLoggedIn && isUserLogin"></HeaderNavigationLoggedIn>         <HeaderNavigationLoggedInCompany *ngIf="isLoggedIn && isCompanyLogin"></HeaderNavigationLoggedInCompany>          <SideMenuCompany *ngIf="isLoggedIn && isCompanyLogin"></SideMenuCompany>         <SideMenuUser *ngIf="isLoggedIn && isUserLogin"></SideMenuUser>          <div class="content">             <router-outlet></router-outlet>          </div>          `,     directives: [RouterOutlet, RouterLink, Splash, HeaderNavigation, HeaderNavigationLoggedIn, NgIf, HeaderNavigationLoggedInCompany, SideMenuCompany, SideMenuUser, Footer, LoggedInRouterOutlet] })  @RouteConfig([     { path: '/', component: Home, as: 'Home', data:{title: 'Welcome Home'}},     { path: '/home', component: Home, as: 'Home', useAsDefault: true},     { path: '/login', component: Login, as: 'Login' },       { path: '/register/:id', component: Register, as: 'Register' },     { path: '/forgotpassword', component: ForgotPassword, as: 'ForgotPassword' },     { path: '/dashboard', component: Dashboard, as: 'Dashboard' },     { path: '/search', component: SearchJobs, as: 'Search' },        { path: '/profile', component: Profile, as: 'Profile' },     { path: '/settings', component: CompanyProfile, as: 'Settings' },     { path: '/jobs', component: Jobs, as: 'Jobs' },     { path: '/password', component: ChangePassword, as: 'Password' },     { path: '/email', component: ChangeEmail, as: 'Email' },     { path: '/applications', component: Applications, as: 'Applications' },     { path: '/socialRegister/:id', component: SocialRegister, as: 'SocialRegister' },     { path: '/socialRegister', component: SocialRegister, as: 'SocialRegister' },     { path: '/applys', component: UserApplications, as: 'Applys' },     { path: '/contact', component: Contact, as: 'Contact' },     { path: '/searchTeachers', component: SearchUsers, as: 'SearchUsers' },     { path: '/createJob', component: CreateJob, as: 'CreateJob' },     { path: '/adminmarkchris2016', component: Admin, as: 'AdminMarkChris2016' },      { path:'/**', redirectTo: ['Home']} ])  @Injectable()  export class AppComponent {     router: Router;     location: Location;     authService: AuthService;     userService: UserService     isLoggedIn: boolean = false;     isCompanyLogin: boolean = false;     isUserLogin: boolean = false;     userProfile: UserProfile;         constructor(_router: Router, _location: Location, _authService: AuthService, _userService: UserService, _userProfile: UserProfile){          this.router = _router;         this.location = _location;         this.authService = _authService;         this.userService = _userService;         this.userProfile = _userProfile;          this.isUserLoggedIn(this.location.path());          //On refresh         this.router.subscribe((currentRoute) => {             this.isUserLoggedIn(currentRoute);         })       }      isUserLoggedIn(currentRoute): void{          this.authService.checkIfLoggedIn().then((response) => {              this.isLoggedIn = response              if(this.isLoggedIn){                 this.isUserOrganisationOrTeacher();                              }                 if(currentRoute.substring(0, 14) == "socialRegister" || currentRoute == "socialRegister" || currentRoute == "home" || currentRoute == "contact" || currentRoute == "" || currentRoute == "forgotpassword" || currentRoute == "login" || currentRoute.substring(0, 8) == "register"){                 this.isCompanyLogin = false;                 this.isUserLogin = false;                 this.isLoggedIn = false;             }                    });       }      isUserOrganisationOrTeacher(): void{         this.userService.checkIfProfileExists().then((response) => {             this.isCompanyLogin = false;             this.isUserLogin = false;                     if(response){                 this.isUserLogin = true;                 this.isCompanyLogin = false;             }else{                 this.isCompanyLogin = true;                  this.isUserLogin = false;                                }         });      }        }  bootstrap(AppComponent, [ROUTER_PROVIDERS, provide(APP_BASE_HREF, {useValue: '/'}), HTTP_PROVIDERS, AuthService, SocialService, UserService, EmailService, OrganisationService, NotificationService, ANGULAR2_GOOGLE_MAPS_PROVIDERS]); 
like image 696
AngularM Avatar asked Feb 07 '16 13:02


People also ask

Why is my Angular app so slow?

If you've done your research and figured out that your app doesn't render that much and doesn't render that often, then your code may just simply be quite slow. This is probably due to some heavy scripting and not DOM-related. Use WebWorkers. The Angular CLI also provides a command to generate a WebWorker in a snap.

Is Angular material slow?

Many Angular developers are frustrated with Angular because they say it is slow. Some think that it's hard to build a fast Angular application. Especially given that the bundle sizes of its biggest rivals - React & Vue. js - are usually about half as small and take about half the time to parse and run the JavaScript.

2 Answers

To have something ready for production (and speed it up), you need to package it.

I mean transpiling all files into JavaScript ones and concat them the same way Angular2 does for example. This way you will have several modules contained into a single JS file. This way you will reduce the number of HTTP calls to load your application code into the browser.

As a matter of fact, for the following configuration of SystemJS, you will have one call per module (it's suitable for development but not really efficient in production):

    <script>       System.config({         packages: {                   app: {             format: 'register',             defaultExtension: 'js'           }         }       });       System.import('app/boot')             .then(null, console.error.bind(console));     </script> 

This answer could give hints about how module resolution works:

  • How does Angular2 resolve imports?

You can do this packaging using Gulp and its plugins:

  • https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-tsc
  • https://github.com/contra/gulp-concat

See the following answers:

  • Using Gulp to Concatenate and Uglify files
  • https://github.com/JavascriptMick/angular2-gulp-typescript/blob/master/gulpfile.js
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Thierry Templier Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Thierry Templier

Though late, for people comming here now...if you are using angular2+ then try

ng build --prod --env=<staging or prod or your env file> 

It will do AoT, bundling cache busting and minification all in one command. More deatils can be found in Angular official website in ng build section. In my case one of the chunk was actually 2.4MB which was reduced to 450+KB but after including --prod it was further reduced to 200+KB

Good size for an app depends. Angular2 has the concept of lazy loading of code or chunking. You can split your app into chunks (like admin UI and user UI) and load them on demand so that the entire app need not be loaded initially which will help in reduced load time. The following articles could be of extra help:

  • https://blog.waffle.io/code-splitting-in-angular-2-with-webpack-2-ce8dd4b8b23e
  • http://blog.rangle.io/optimize-your-angular2-application-with-tree-shaking/
  • http://blog.mgechev.com/2016/06/26/tree-shaking-angular2-production-build-rollup-javascript/
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Nidhin David Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Nidhin David