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MVVM - Does validation really have to be so cumbersome?

In my application I have tons of forms, most of with having there own models which they bind to! Of course data validation is important, but is there not a better solution than implementing IDataErrorInfo for all of your models and then writing code for all of the properties to validate them?

I have created validation helpers which remove alot of the actual validation code, but still I can't help but feel I am missing a trick or two! Might I add that this is the first application which I have used MVVM within so I am sure I have alot to learn on this subject!


This is the code from a typical model that I really don't like (let me explain):

    string IDataErrorInfo.Error
            return null;

    string IDataErrorInfo.this[string propertyName]
            return GetValidationError(propertyName);


    #region Validation

    string GetValidationError(String propertyName)
        string error = null;

        switch (propertyName)
            case "carer_title":
                error = ValidateCarerTitle();
            case "carer_forenames":
                error = ValidateCarerForenames();
            case "carer_surname":
                error = ValidateCarerSurname();
            case "carer_mobile_phone":
                error = ValidateCarerMobile();
            case "carer_email":
                error = ValidateCarerEmail();
            case "partner_title":
                error = ValidatePartnerTitle();
            case "partner_forenames":
                error = ValidatePartnerForenames();
            case "partner_surname":
                error = ValidatePartnerSurname();
            case "partner_mobile_phone":
                error = ValidatePartnerMobile();
            case "partner_email":
                error = ValidatePartnerEmail();

        return error;

    private string ValidateCarerTitle()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(carer_title))
            return "Please enter the carer's title";
            if (!ValidationHelpers.isLettersOnly(carer_title))
                return "Only letters are valid";

        return null;

    private string ValidateCarerForenames()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(carer_forenames))
            return "Please enter the carer's forename(s)";
            if (!ValidationHelpers.isLettersSpacesHyphensOnly(carer_forenames))
                return "Only letters, spaces and dashes are valid";

        return null;

    private string ValidateCarerSurname()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(carer_surname))
            return "Please enter the carer's surname";
            if (!ValidationHelpers.isLettersSpacesHyphensOnly(carer_surname))
                return "Only letters, spaces and dashes are valid";

        return null;

    private string ValidateCarerMobile()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(carer_mobile_phone))
            return "Please enter a valid mobile number";
            if (!ValidationHelpers.isNumericWithSpaces(carer_mobile_phone))
                return "Only numbers and spaces are valid";

        return null;

    private string ValidateCarerEmail()
        if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(carer_email))
            return "Please enter a valid email address";
            if (!ValidationHelpers.isEmailAddress(carer_email))
                return "The email address entered is not valid";
        return null;

    private string ValidatePartnerTitle()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(partner_title))
            return "Please enter the partner's title";
            if (!ValidationHelpers.isLettersOnly(partner_title))
                return "Only letters are valid";

        return null;

    private string ValidatePartnerForenames()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(partner_forenames))
            return "Please enter the partner's forename(s)";
            if (!ValidationHelpers.isLettersSpacesHyphensOnly(partner_forenames))
                return "Only letters, spaces and dashes are valid";

        return null;

    private string ValidatePartnerSurname()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(partner_surname))
            return "Please enter the partner's surname";
            if (!ValidationHelpers.isLettersSpacesHyphensOnly(partner_surname))
                return "Only letters, spaces and dashes are valid";

        return null;

    private string ValidatePartnerMobile()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(partner_mobile_phone))
            return "Please enter a valid mobile number";
            if (!ValidationHelpers.isNumericWithSpaces(partner_mobile_phone))
                return "Only numbers and spaces are valid";

        return null;

    private string ValidatePartnerEmail()
        if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(partner_email))
            return "Please enter a valid email address";
            if (!ValidationHelpers.isEmailAddress(partner_email))
                return "The email address entered is not valid";
        return null;


The idea of having a switch statement to identify the correct property and then having to write unique validation functions for each property just feels too much (not in terms of work to do, but in terms of the amount of code required). Maybe this is an elegant solution, but it just doesn't feel like one!

Note: I will be converting my validation helpers into extensions as recommended in one of the answers (thanks Sheridan)


So, following the answer which I have accepted this is the bare bones of what I implemented to get it working initially (obviously I will be improving parts - but I just wanted to get it going first as I had little experience using lambda expressions or reflection prior to implementing this).

Validtion Dictionary class (showing the main functions):

    private Dictionary<string, _propertyValidators> _validators;
    private delegate string _propertyValidators(Type valueType, object propertyValue);

    public ValidationDictionary()
        _validators = new Dictionary<string, _propertyValidators>();

    public void Add<T>(Expression<Func<string>> property, params Func<T, string>[] args)
        // Acquire the name of the property (which will be used as the key)
        string propertyName = ((MemberExpression)(property.Body)).Member.Name;

        _propertyValidators propertyValidators = (valueType, propertyValue) =>
            string error = null;
            T value = (T)propertyValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Count() && error == null; i++)
                error = args[i].Invoke(value);

            return error;

        _validators.Add(propertyName, propertyValidators);

    public Delegate GetValidator(string Key)
        _propertyValidators propertyValidator = null;
        _validators.TryGetValue(Key, out propertyValidator);
        return propertyValidator;

Model implementation:

public FosterCarerModel()
        _validationDictionary = new ValidationDictionary();
        _validationDictionary.Add<string>( () => carer_title, IsRequired);

    public string IsRequired(string value)
        string error = null;

            error = "Validation Dictionary Is Working";

        return error;

IDataErrorInfo implementation (which is part of the model implementation):

string IDataErrorInfo.this[string propertyName]
            Delegate temp = _validationDictionary.GetValidator(propertyName);

            if (temp != null)
                string propertyValue = (string)this.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(this, null);
                return (string)temp.DynamicInvoke(typeof(string), propertyValue);

            return null;

Ignore my slapdash naming conventions and in places coding, I am just so pleased to have got this working! A special thanks to nmclean of course, but also thanks to everyone that contributed to this question, all of the replies were extremely helpful but after some consideration I decided to go with this approach!

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Sam Avatar asked Sep 18 '13 10:09


2 Answers

I use extension methods to reduce the amount of validation text that I have to write. If you are unfamiliar with them, please take a look at the Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide) page at MSDN to find out about extension methods. I have dozens of these that validate every situation. As an example:

if (propertyName == "Title" && !Title.ValidateMaximumLength(255)) error = 

In the Validation.cs class:

public static bool ValidateMaximumLength(this string input, int characterCount)
    return input.IsNullOrEmpty() ? true : input.Length <= characterCount;

public static string GetMaximumLengthError(this string input, int characterCount, 
    bool isInputAdjusted)
    if (isInputAdjusted) return input.GetMaximumLengthError(characterCount);
    string error = "The {0} field requires a value with a maximum of {1} in it.";
    return string.Format(error, input, characterCount.Pluralize("character"));

Note that Pluralize is another extension method that simply adds an "s" to the end of the input parameter if the input value does not equal 1. Another method might be:

public static bool ValidateValueBetween(this int input, int minimumValue, int 
    return input >= minimumValue && input <= maximumValue;

public static string GetValueBetweenError(this string input, int minimumValue, int 
    string error = "The {0} field value must be between {1} and {2}.";
    return string.Format(error, input.ToSpacedString().ToLower(), minimumValue, 

Of course, it will take a while to implement all the methods that you will require, but then you'll save plenty of time later and you will have the added benefit of all of your error messages being consistent.

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Sheridan Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10


I personally like the FluentValidation approach.

This replaces your switch table with expression based rules like:

            RuleFor(x => x.Username)
                .Length(3, 8)
                .WithMessage("Must be between 3-8 characters.");

            RuleFor(x => x.Password)
                .WithMessage("Must contain lower, upper and numeric chars.");

            RuleFor(x => x.Email)
                .WithMessage("A valid email address is required.");

            RuleFor(x => x.DateOfBirth)
                .WithMessage("Must be within 100 years of today.");

from http://stevenhollidge.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/silverlight-5-validation.html

There's more information on this http://fluentvalidation.codeplex.com/ - although the docs there are mainly web-MVC based. For Wpf, there are also a few blog posts around like http://blogsprajeesh.blogspot.co.uk/2009/11/fluent-validation-wpf-implementation.html

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Stuart Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10
