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Finding ALL child controls WPF




I would like to find all of the controls within a WPF control. I have had a look at a lot of samples and it seems that they all either require a Name to be passed as parameter or simply do not work.

I have existing code but it isn't working properly:

public static IEnumerable<T> FindVisualChildren<T>(DependencyObject depObj) where T : DependencyObject
  if (depObj != null)
    for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(depObj); i++)
      DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(depObj, i);
      if (child != null && child is T)
        yield return (T)child;

      foreach (T childOfChild in FindVisualChildren<T>(child))
        yield return childOfChild;

For instance it will not get a DataGrid within a TabItem.

Any suggestions?

like image 775
Chrisjan Lodewyks Avatar asked Feb 14 '13 12:02

Chrisjan Lodewyks

1 Answers

You can use these.

 public static List<T> GetLogicalChildCollection<T>(this DependencyObject parent) where T : DependencyObject
            List<T> logicalCollection = new List<T>();
            GetLogicalChildCollection(parent, logicalCollection);
            return logicalCollection;

 private static void GetLogicalChildCollection<T>(DependencyObject parent, List<T> logicalCollection) where T : DependencyObject
            IEnumerable children = LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren(parent);
            foreach (object child in children)
                if (child is DependencyObject)
                    DependencyObject depChild = child as DependencyObject;
                    if (child is T)
                        logicalCollection.Add(child as T);
                    GetLogicalChildCollection(depChild, logicalCollection);

You can get child button controls in RootGrid f.e like that:

 List<Button> button = RootGrid.GetLogicalChildCollection<Button>();
like image 91
Farhad Jabiyev Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11

Farhad Jabiyev