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MVC EnumDropDownListFor with Enum Display Description attribute as the value

I have an Enum with Display Description attribute,

public enum CSSColours
        [Display(Description = "bg-green")]

        [Display(Description = "bg-blue")]

Now I want to bind this Enum to a DropDownlist, showing the Enum value (Green, Blue) in the Dropdown item display text and Description as the item Value (bg-green, bg-blue).

When I bind the Dropdown with EnumDropDownListFor helper method

@Html.EnumDropDownListFor(c => dm.BgColor)

It sets the item value to Enum value (0, 1), and couldn't find a way to set the value to Display Description.

How can I set the value to Enum Display Description attribute?

like image 929
Nalaka526 Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 04:07


People also ask

How do I display the value of an enum?

An enumeration is a great way to define a set of constant values in a single data type. If you want to display an enum's element name on your UI directly by calling its ToString() method, it will be displayed as it has been defined.

How do I get the display name attribute of an enum?

And to get the display name anywhere in a C# project, you can add an enum extension class that returns the display name property. If the property is missing (like it is for the first two enum values above), it falls back to the string equivalent.

How do you create a DropDownList from an enum in ASP NET MVC?

Create an enum, ActionType, under the Models folder as in the following code snippet. I populate the DropDownList using a SelectListItem type list. So we need to first create a list from enum and thereafter that list binds with the DropDownListFor method of the HTML Helper class on the view.

1 Answers

You need to get display name (DisplayAttribute) from Enum, Check below Example to set the value of Enum Display Description attribute

Action (binding dropdownlist)

public ActionResult Index()
            var enumDataColours = from CSSColours e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CSSColours))
                           select new
                               ID = StaticHelper.GetDescriptionOfEnum((CSSColours)e),
                               Name = e.ToString()
            ViewBag.EnumColoursList = new SelectList(enumDataColours, "ID", "Name");
            return View();

Helper method GetDescriptionOfEnum to get Description attribute by enum name

public static class StaticHelper
        public static string GetDescriptionOfEnum(Enum value)
            var type = value.GetType();
            if (!type.IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Type '{0}' is not Enum", type));

            var members = type.GetMember(value.ToString());
            if (members.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Member '{0}' not found in type '{1}'", value, type.Name));

            var member = members[0];
            var attributes = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute), false);
            if (attributes.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("'{0}.{1}' doesn't have DisplayAttribute", type.Name, value));

            var attribute = (System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute)attributes[0];
            return attribute.Description;

Razor view

@Html.DropDownList("EnumDropDownColours", ViewBag.EnumColoursList as SelectList)


public enum CSSColours
        [Display(Description = "bg-green")]

        [Display(Description = "bg-blue")]
like image 99
Abbas Galiyakotwala Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 16:11

Abbas Galiyakotwala