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Multiple std::variant visit with variadic templated helper

I am attempting to make a function that helps handling N std::variant types.

Note: I am trying to make all pathways compile time validated. So std::optional and std::holds_alternative are not viable for me.

The implementation is as follows:

template<typename T>
using Possible = std::variant<std::monostate, T>;

template<typename... Types>
void ifAll(std::function<void(Types...)> all, Possible<Types>&&... possibles)
        [&](auto&&... args) {
            if constexpr ((... &&
                           std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(args)>, Types>))
                return all(std::forward<Types>(args)...);
                std::cout << "At least one type is monostate" << std::endl;

And an example of using the function is:

int main()
    Possible<int>  a = 16;
    Possible<bool> b = true;

    ifAll([](const int& x, const bool& y)
              -> void { std::cout << "All types set!" << std::endl; },

However I get a compiler error:

TestFile.cc: error: no matching function for call to 'ifAll'
    ifAll([](const int& x, const bool& y)

TestFile.cc: note: candidate template ignored: could not match
    'function<void (type-parameter-0-0...)>' against '(lambda at

void ifAll(std::function<void(Types...)> all, Possible<Types>&&... possibles)

Why does the lambda I provide not match the function signature?

Attempted Fix 1

I tried moving in a and b which still does not work:

ifAll([](const int& x, const bool& y)
              -> void { std::cout << "All types set!" << std::endl; },
like image 977
Hurricane Development Avatar asked Apr 06 '20 05:04

Hurricane Development

2 Answers

Following call would work:

int main() {
    Possible<int>  a = 16;
    Possible<bool> b = true;

    std::function<void(int, bool)> fun = [](int x, bool y) -> void {
        std::cout << "All types set!" << std::endl;


or switch your function signature to:

template <typename... Types>
void ifAll(std::function<void(Types...)> const& all, Possible<Types>&... possibles)

and then you can call it without std::move:

int main() {
    Possible<int>  a = 16;
    Possible<bool> b = true;

    std::function<void(int, bool)> fun = [](int x, bool y) -> void {
        std::cout << "All types set!" << std::endl;

    ifAll(fun, a, b);
like image 103
NutCracker Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 12:10


An easy solution is to use a function object + std::optional:

#include <functional>
#include <optional>

struct Error {};

template <typename F, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) if_all(F&& f, Args&&... args)
    if ((args && ...)) {
        return std::invoke(std::forward<F>(f), *std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    } else {
        throw Error{};

Usage example:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::optional<int> a{5};
    std::optional<int> b{10};
    std::cout << if_all(std::plus{}, a, b) << '\n';

(live demo)

If you insist to use std::variant instead of std::optional (which is probably because of some misunderstandings about either of them), the idea is the same — you need to check if all arguments are "empty" first (maybe using std::holds_alternative), and unwrap the arguments after.

like image 33
L. F. Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 12:10

L. F.