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Multiple Search Results Tabs From Mulltiple "Find In Files" Actions

In Delphi 7 when i ran multiple Find In Files searches each search result would generate a separate tab. We've since upgraded to Delphi 2010 and now when i run multiple Find In Files searches each time one is fired off it replaces the tab instead of creating a new one with the results of the successive search. Is there a way to get the old functionality back, a setting somewhere?

Thank you,


like image 300
Brian Hollister Avatar asked May 26 '10 11:05

Brian Hollister

1 Answers

In the Find in Files dialog, there is an option "Display results in separate tab". Make sure that is checked, and the behavior should be what you want.

like image 52
Chris Hesik Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Chris Hesik