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Multiple pipes in subprocess

I am trying to use Sailfish, which takes multiple fastq files as arguments, in a ruffus pipeline. I execute Sailfish using the subprocess module in python, but <() in the subprocess call does not work even when I set shell=True.

This is the command I want to execute using python:

sailfish quant [options] -1 <(cat sample1a.fastq sample1b.fastq) -2 <(cat sample2a.fastq sample2b.fastq) -o [output_file]

or (preferably):

sailfish quant [options] -1 <(gunzip sample1a.fastq.gz sample1b.fastq.gz) -2 <(gunzip sample2a.fastq.gz sample2b.fastq.gz) -o [output_file]

A generalization:

someprogram <(someprocess) <(someprocess)

How would I go about doing this in python? Is subprocess the right approach?

like image 659
Michelle Avatar asked Mar 03 '15 19:03


People also ask

How use subprocess command with pipes?

To use a pipe with the subprocess module, you have to pass shell=True . In your particular case, however, the simple solution is to call subprocess. check_output(('ps', '-A')) and then str. find on the output.

What is Popen and pipe?

The popen() function executes the command specified by the string command. It creates a pipe between the calling program and the executed command, and returns a pointer to a stream that can be used to either read from or write to the pipe.

What are Python pipes?

pipe() method in Python is used to create a pipe. A pipe is a method to pass information from one process to another process. It offers only one-way communication and the passed information is held by the system until it is read by the receiving process.

2 Answers

To emulate the bash process substitution:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from subprocess import check_call

check_call('someprogram <(someprocess) <(anotherprocess)',
           shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')

In Python, you could use named pipes:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from subprocess import Popen

with named_pipes(n=2) as paths:
    someprogram = Popen(['someprogram'] + paths)
    processes = []
    for path, command in zip(paths, ['someprocess', 'anotherprocess']):
        with open(path, 'wb', 0) as pipe:
            processes.append(Popen(command, stdout=pipe, close_fds=True))
    for p in [someprogram] + processes:

where named_pipes(n) is:

import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager

def named_pipes(n=1):
    dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        paths = [os.path.join(dirname, 'named_pipe' + str(i)) for i in range(n)]
        for path in paths:
        yield paths

Another and more preferable way (no need to create a named entry on disk) to implement the bash process substitution is to use /dev/fd/N filenames (if they are available) as suggested by @Dunes. On FreeBSD, fdescfs(5) (/dev/fd/#) creates entries for all file descriptors opened by the process. To test availability, run:

$ test -r /dev/fd/3 3</dev/null && echo /dev/fd is available

If it fails; try to symlink /dev/fd to proc(5) as it is done on some Linuxes:

$ ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd

Here's /dev/fd-based implementation of someprogram <(someprocess) <(anotherprocess) bash command:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from contextlib import ExitStack
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, Popen, PIPE

def kill(process):
    if process.poll() is None: # still running

with ExitStack() as stack: # for proper cleanup
    processes = []
    for command in [['someprocess'], ['anotherprocess']]:  # start child processes
        processes.append(stack.enter_context(Popen(command, stdout=PIPE)))
        stack.callback(kill, processes[-1]) # kill on someprogram exit

    fds = [p.stdout.fileno() for p in processes]
    someprogram = stack.enter_context(
        Popen(['someprogram'] + ['/dev/fd/%d' % fd for fd in fds], pass_fds=fds))
    for p in processes: # close pipes in the parent
# exit stack: wait for processes
if someprogram.returncode != 0: # errors shouldn't go unnoticed
   raise CalledProcessError(someprogram.returncode, someprogram.args)

Note: on my Ubuntu machine, the subprocess code works only in Python 3.4+, despite pass_fds being available since Python 3.2.

like image 110
jfs Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10


Whilst J.F. Sebastian has provided an answer using named pipes it is possible to do this with anonymous pipes.

import shlex
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

inputcmd0 = "zcat hello.gz" # gzipped file containing "hello"
inputcmd1 = "zcat world.gz" # gzipped file containing "world"

def get_filename(file_):
    return "/dev/fd/{}".format(file_.fileno())

def get_stdout_fds(*processes):
    return tuple(p.stdout.fileno() for p in processes)

# setup producer processes
inputproc0 = Popen(shlex.split(inputcmd0), stdout=PIPE)
inputproc1 = Popen(shlex.split(inputcmd1), stdout=PIPE)

# setup consumer process
# pass input processes pipes by "filename" eg. /dev/fd/5
cmd = "cat {file0} {file1}".format(file0=get_filename(inputproc0.stdout), 
print("command is:", cmd)
# pass_fds argument tells Popen to let the child process inherit the pipe's fds
someprogram = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=PIPE, 
    pass_fds=get_stdout_fds(inputproc0, inputproc1))

output, error = someprogram.communicate()

for p in [inputproc0, inputproc1, someprogram]:

assert output == b"hello\nworld\n"
like image 37
Dunes Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10
