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Multiple folders for homestead not syncing

My first homestead project worked without a hitch here's the core part of the homstead.yaml

    - map: C:\dev\bitbucket
      to: /home/vagrant/bb

    - map: project.dev
      to: /home/vagrant/bb/example/project/public   

now I wanted to add a different folder into the mix so I extended the yaml to

    - map: C:\dev\bitbucket
      to: /home/vagrant/bb
    - map: C:\dev\github
      to: /home/vagrant/gh

    - map: project.dev
      to: /home/vagrant/bb/example/project/public    
    - map: another.dev
      to: /home/vagrant/gh/example/another/public

I run homestead provision and now I can access another.dev but I got the error No input file specified. So I ran the command homestead ssh and cd /home/vagrant followed by ls and all I see is the bb folder and not the gh I found multiple places that mention multiple sites syntax, but couldn't find something mentioning multiple folders (although as the name suggests folders is plural, so I thought this should be possible)

What am I missing?

like image 567
Moak Avatar asked Jan 09 '23 18:01


1 Answers

sometimes homestead doesn't provision correctly and needs a full reboot. while this isn't ideal, one workaround is to use homestead halt followed by homestead up to recreate the provisioning process for the VM.

like image 147
kstev Avatar answered Jan 24 '23 15:01
