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Laravel 5 - Get Package Config

Normally we can get config via something like this:

$value = Config::get('app.timezone');

If want to get the config in the package, we can do something like this:

$value = Config::get('package::configfile')

How can I link the config file in my package so that I can use it that way?

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user1995781 Avatar asked Jan 09 '23 21:01


1 Answers

Make sure to read the Package Development chapter in the documentation.

In Laravel 5 there are no config "namespaces" anymore. You just load your config like this in the Service Provider:

     __DIR__.'/path/to/config/file.php' => config_path('package/file.php'),

And access it like this:



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lukasgeiter Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 13:01
