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Laravel link to route not defined

I'm grouping profile controller and I want to link to that. Then I define this route:

//Group to put all the routes that need login first
Route::group(array('prefix'=> 'admin', 'before' => 'csrf'), function(){
    Route::resource('/profile' , 'ProfileController', array('as'=>'profile') );

and this is my menu link:

<li><a href="{{ URL::route('admin.profile') }}">profile Managment</a></li>

and this it my result of route in terminal:

| Domain | URI                              | Name                   | Action                    | Before Filters | After Filters |
|        | GET /                            | index                  | Closure                   |                |               |
|        | GET admin/index                  | dashboard              | Closure                   |                |               |
|        | GET logout                       | logout                 | Closure                   |                |               |
|        | POST auth                        | auth                   | Closure                   | csrf           |               |
|        | GET login                        | login                  | Closure                   |                |               |
|        | GET admin/profile                | admin..profile.index   | ProfileController@index   | csrf           |               |
|        | GET admin/profile/create         | admin..profile.create  | ProfileController@create  | csrf           |               |
|        | POST admin/profile               | admin..profile.store   | ProfileController@store   | csrf           |               |
|        | GET admin/profile/{profile}      | admin..profile.show    | ProfileController@show    | csrf           |               |
|        | GET admin/profile/{profile}/edit | admin..profile.edit    | ProfileController@edit    | csrf           |               |
|        | PUT admin/profile/{profile}      | admin..profile.update  | ProfileController@update  | csrf           |               |
|        | PATCH admin/profile/{profile}    |                        | ProfileController@update  | csrf           |               |
|        | DELETE admin/profile/{profile}   | admin..profile.destroy | ProfileController@destroy | csrf           |               |

Now I get this error:


Route [admin.profile] not defined. (View: /var/www/alachiq/app/views/back_end/menu.blade.php) (View: /var/www/alachiq/app/views/back_end/menu.blade.php) (View: /var/www/alachiq/app/views/back_end/menu.blade.php)
like image 837
DolDurma Avatar asked Jan 11 '23 06:01


2 Answers

Remove the / character from your Route::resource method. It is causing the double dots, which in turn are causing your error message.

Should be:

Route::resource('profile' , 'ProfileController', array('as'=>'profile') );

Either format (/profile or profile) would usually work, but when using the prefix option with Route::group you need to remove the / from resource URL.

EDIT: Also it seems to me that you should be pointing your link to route admin.profile.index, not admin.profile.

like image 195
Simo A. Avatar answered Jan 16 '23 20:01

Simo A.

Why don't you just do URL::to('admin/profile');

Since what you're trying to achieve with URL::route('admin.profile'); is almost the same number of types away.

Now from what I understand, URL::route('profile'); will produce a full URL string to a a route with the same name you assigned to.


echo URL::route('admin.profile.index');

Should work. Based from Docs, you should include .index under ROUTE NAME.

like image 44
Craftein Avatar answered Jan 16 '23 21:01
