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Multilingual NLTK for POS Tagging and Lemmatizer

Recently I approached to the NLP and I tried to use NLTK and TextBlob for analyzing texts. I would like to develop an app that analyzes reviews made by travelers and so I have to manage a lot of texts written in different languages. I need to do two main operations: POS Tagging and lemmatization. I have seen that in NLTK there is a possibility to choice the the right language for sentences tokenization like this:

tokenizer = nltk.data.load('tokenizers/punkt/PY3/italian.pickle')

I haven't found the the right way to set the language for POS Tagging and Lemmatizer in different languages yet. How can I set the correct corpora/dictionary for non-english texts such as Italian, French, Spanish or German? I also see that there is a possibility to import the "TreeBank" or "WordNet" modules, but I don't understand how I can use them. Otherwise, where can I find the respective corporas?

Can you give me some suggestion or reference? Please take care that I'm not an expert of NLTK.

Many Thanks.

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Alessio Schiavelli Avatar asked Sep 23 '15 13:09

Alessio Schiavelli

People also ask

Which NLTK function is used for POS Tagging?

POS Tagging in NLTK is a process to mark up the words in text format for a particular part of a speech based on its definition and context. Some NLTK POS tagging examples are: CC, CD, EX, JJ, MD, NNP, PDT, PRP$, TO, etc. POS tagger is used to assign grammatical information of each word of the sentence.

What is NNS in NLTK?

NN: Noun, singular or mass. NNS: Noun, plural. PP: Preposition Phrase. NNP: Proper noun, singular Phrase.

1 Answers

If you are looking for another multilingual POS tagger, you might want to try RDRPOSTagger: a robust, easy-to-use and language-independent toolkit for POS and morphological tagging. See experimental results including performance speed and tagging accuracy on 13 languages in this paper. RDRPOSTagger now supports pre-trained POS and morphological tagging models for Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Vietnamese. RDRPOSTagger also supports the pre-trained Universal POS tagging models for 40 languages.

In Python, you can utilize the pre-trained models for tagging a raw unlabeled text corpus as:


Example: python RDRPOSTagger.py tag ../Models/POS/German.RDR ../Models/POS/German.DICT ../data/GermanRawTest

If you would like to program with RDRPOSTagger, please follow code lines 92-98 in RDRPOSTagger.py module in pSCRDRTagger package. Here is an example:

r = RDRPOSTagger()
r.constructSCRDRtreeFromRDRfile("../Models/POS/German.RDR") #Load POS tagging model for German
DICT = readDictionary("../Models/POS/German.DICT") #Load a German lexicon 
r.tagRawSentence(DICT, "Die Reaktion des deutschen Außenministers zeige , daß dieser die außerordentlich wichtige Rolle Irans in der islamischen Welt erkenne .")

r = RDRPOSTagger()
r.constructSCRDRtreeFromRDRfile("../Models/POS/French.RDR") # Load POS tagging model for French
DICT = readDictionary("../Models/POS/French.DICT") # Load a French lexicon
r.tagRawSentence(DICT, "Cette annonce a fait l' effet d' une véritable bombe . ")
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NQD Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09