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Multiline syntax for piping a heredoc; is this portable?

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Which symbol is used for creating Heredoc?

The most common syntax for here documents, originating in Unix shells, is << followed by a delimiting identifier (often the word EOF or END), followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same delimiting identifier on its own line.

What is a Heredoc delimiter?

Heredoc uses 2 angle brackets (<<) followed by a delimiter token. The same delimiter token will be used to terminate the block of code. Whatever comes within the delimiter is considered to be a block of code.

Yes, the POSIX standard allows this. According to the 2008 version:

The here-document shall be treated as a single word that begins after the next <newline> and continues until there is a line containing only the delimiter and a <newline>, with no <blank> characters in between. Then the next here-document starts, if there is one.

And includes this example of multiple "here-documents" in the same line:

cat <<eof1; cat <<eof2

So there is no problem doing redirections or pipes. Your example is similar to something like this:

cat file |

And the shell grammar (further down on the linked page) includes these definitions:

pipe_sequence    :                             command
                 | pipe_sequence '|' linebreak command

newline_list     :              NEWLINE
                 | newline_list NEWLINE
linebreak        : newline_list
                 | /* empty */

So a pipe symbol can be followed by an end-of-line and still be considered part of a pipeline.

Yes it's in the POSIX shell grammar. You can also have more than one here-doc for the same command (some other examples use two cat invocations, but this works as well):

cat <<EOF1 <<EOF2
first here-doc
second here-doc

This is contrived (using 2 here-docs for stdin), but if you think of providing input for different file descriptors it immediately makes sense.

There's also the possibility to drop the cat entirely. Why not make the here-document directly available to cmd:

cmd << EOF

Hmm, I suppose yes, according to the test in bash in POSIX mode:

$ bash --posix
$ cat <<EOF |
> ahoj
> nazdar
> sed 's/a/b/'

Hi, check this, for example

( base32 -d | base64 -d )<<ENDOFTEXT
