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Multidimensional array: operator overloading

I have a class with a multidimensional array:

  • it is possible to create a one, two, ..., n dimensional array with this class

  • if the array has n dimensions, i want to use n operator[] to get an object:


A a({2,2,2,2}]; 
a[0][1][1][0] = 5;

but array is not a vector of pointer which lead to other vectors etc...

so i want the operator[] to return a class object until the last dimension, then return a integer

This is a strongly simplified code, but it shows my problem:

The error i receive: "[Error] cannot convert 'A::B' to 'int' in initialization"

#include <cstddef>     // nullptr_t, ptrdiff_t, size_t
#include <iostream>    // cin, cout...

class A {
        static int* a;
        static int dimensions;
        A(int i=0) { 
            dimensions = i;
            a = new int[5];
            for(int j=0; j<5; j++) a[j]=j; 

        class B{
                B operator[](std::ptrdiff_t);
        class C: public B{
                int& operator[](std::ptrdiff_t);

        B operator[](std::ptrdiff_t);

//int A::count = 0;

A::B A::operator[] (std::ptrdiff_t i) {
    B res;
  if (dimensions <= 1){
    res = C();
    res = B();
  return res;

A::B A::B::operator[] (std::ptrdiff_t i){
    B res;
    if (dimensions <=1){
        res = B();
        res = C();
    return res;

int& A::C::operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i){
    return *(a+i);

int main(){
    A* obj = new A(5);
    int res = obj[1][1][1][1][1];
    std::cout<< res << std::endl;
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Marius Küpper Avatar asked Oct 30 '14 23:10

Marius Küpper

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1 Answers

The operator[] is evaluated from left to right in obj[1][1]...[1], so obj[1] returns a B object. Suppose now you just have int res = obj[1], then you'll assign to a B object (or C object in the case of multiple invocations of []) an int, but there is no conversion from B or C to int. You probably need to write a conversion operator, like

operator int()
   // convert to int here

for A, B and C, as overloaded operators are not inherited.

I got rid of your compiling error just by writing such operators for A and B (of course I have linking errors since there are un-defined functions).

Also, note that if you want to write something like obj[1][1]...[1] = 10, you need to overload operator=, as again there is no implicit conversion from int to A or your proxy objects.

Hope this makes sense.

PS: see also @Oncaphillis' comment!

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vsoftco Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10
