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multi-word addition using the carry flag

GCC has 128-bit integers. Using these I can get the compiler to use the mul (or imul with only one operand) instructions. For example

uint64_t x,y;
unsigned __int128 z = (unsigned __int128)x*y;

produces mul. I have used this to create a 128x128 to 256 function (see the end of this question, before the update, for code for that if you're interested).

Now I want to do 256-bit addition and I have not found a way to get the compiler to use ADC except by using assembly. I could use an assembler but I want inline functions for efficiency. The compiler already produces an efficient 128x128 to 256 function (for the reason I explained at the start of this question) so I don't see why I should rewrite this in assembly as well (or any other functions which the compiler already implements efficiently).

Here is the inline assembly function I have come up with:

#define ADD256(X1, X2, X3, X4, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4) \
 __asm__ __volatile__ ( \
 "addq %[v1], %[u1] \n" \
 "adcq %[v2], %[u2] \n" \
 "adcq %[v3], %[u3] \n" \
 "adcq %[v4], %[u4] \n" \
 : [u1] "+&r" (X1), [u2] "+&r" (X2), [u3] "+&r" (X3), [u4] "+&r" (X4) \
 : [v1]  "r" (Y1), [v2]  "r" (Y2), [v3]  "r" (Y3), [v4]  "r" (Y4)) 

(probably not every output needs a early clobber modifier but I get the wrong result without at least the last two). (editor's note: the last output isn't written until all inputs have been read, and would be safe to not declare as early-clobber.)

And here is a function which does the same thing in C

void add256(int256 *x, int256 *y) {
    uint64_t t1, t2;
    t1 = x->x1; x->x1 += y->x1;
    t2 = x->x2; x->x2 += y->x2 + ((x->x1) < t1);
    t1 = x->x3; x->x3 += y->x3 + ((x->x2) < t2);
                x->x4 += y->x4 + ((x->x3) < t1);

Why is assembly necessary for this? Why can't the compiler compile the add256 function to use the carry flags? Is there a way to coerce the compiler to do this (e.g. can I change add256 so that it does this)? What is someone suppose to do for a compiler which does not support inline assembly (write all the functions in assembly?) Why are there no intrinsic for this?

Here is the 128x128 to 256 function

void muldwu128(int256 *w, uint128 u, uint128 v) {
   uint128 t;
   uint64_t u0, u1, v0, v1, k, w1, w2, w3;

   u0 = u >> 64L;
   u1 = u;
   v0 = v >> 64L;
   v1 = v;

   t = (uint128)u1*v1;
   w3 = t;
   k = t >> 64L;

   t = (uint128)u0*v1 + k;
   w2 = t;
   w1 = t >> 64L;
   t = (uint128)u1*v0 + w2;
   k = t >> 64L;

   w->hi = (uint128)u0*v0 + w1 + k;
   w->lo = (t << 64L) + w3;


Some type defines:

typedef          __int128  int128;
typedef unsigned __int128 uint128;

typedef union {
    struct {
        uint64_t x1;
        uint64_t x2;
         int64_t x3;
         int64_t x4;
    struct {
        uint128 lo;
         int128 hi;
} int256;


My question is largely a duplicate of these questions:

  1. get-gcc-to-use-carry-logic-for-arbitrary-precision-arithmetic-without-inline-assembly
  2. efficient-128-bit-addition-using-carry-flag
  3. multiword-addition-in-c.

Intel has a good article (New Instructions Support Large Integer Arithmetic) which discusses large integer arithmetic and the three new instructions MULX, ADCX, ADOX. They write:

intrinsic definitions of mulx, adcx and adox will also be integrated into compilers. This is the first example of an “add with carry” type instruction being implemented with intrinsics. The intrinsic support will enable users to implement large integer arithmetic using higher level programming languages such as C/C++.

The intrinsics are

unsigned __int64 umul128(unsigned __int64 a, unsigned __int64 b, unsigned __int64 * hi);
unsigned char _addcarry_u64(unsigned char c_in, unsigned __int64 a, unsigned __int64 b, unsigned __int64 *out);
unsigned char _addcarryx_u64(unsigned char c_in, unsigned __int64 a, unsigned __int64 b, unsigned __int64 *out);

Incidentally, MSVC already has a _umul128 intrinsic. So even though MSVC does not have __int128 the _umul128 intrinsic can be used to generate mul and therefore 128 bit multiplication.

MULX is in BMI2 (Haswell). The ADCX and ADOX instructions are available since Broadwell, as the ADX extension. It's too bad there is no intrinsic for ADC which has been available since the 8086 in 1979. That would solve the inline assembly problem.

(Editor's note: Intel's intrinsics guide does define _addcarry_u64 for baseline x86-64, but perhaps not all compilers implemented it. However, gcc typically compiles it and/or _addcarryx inefficiently, often spilling CF to an integer with setc instead of ordering instructions better.)

GCC's __int128 codegen will use mulx if BMI2 is enabled (e.g. using -mbmi2 or -march=haswell).


I tried the Clang's add with carry builtins as suggested by Lưu Vĩnh Phúc

void add256(int256 *x, int256 *y) {
    unsigned long long carryin=0, carryout;
    x->x1 = __builtin_addcll(x->x1, y->x1, carryin, &carryout); carryin = carryout;
    x->x2 = __builtin_addcll(x->x2, y->x2, carryin, &carryout); carryin = carryout;
    x->x3 = __builtin_addcll(x->x3, y->x3, carryin, &carryout); carryin = carryout;
    x->x4 = __builtin_addcll(x->x4, y->x4, carryin, &carryout);  

but this does not generated ADC and it's more complicated than I expect.

like image 232
Z boson Avatar asked Mar 13 '15 10:03

Z boson

People also ask

What is carry flag in assembly language?

Carry Flag is a flag set when: a) two unsigned numbers were added and the result is larger than "capacity" of register where it is saved. Ex: we wanna add two 8 bit numbers and save result in 8 bit register. In your example: 255 + 9 = 264 which is more that 8 bit register can store.

Which is the instruction to set carry flag to 1?

Carry Flag (CF) - this flag is set to 1 when there is an unsigned overflow. For example when you add bytes 255 + 1 (result is not in range 0... 255). When there is no overflow this flag is set to 0.

Which instruction is used to clear carry flag?

The best way to clear the carry flag is to use the CLC instruction; and the best way to set the carry flag is to use the STC instruction.

How does the carry flag work?

The way the carry flag works is based on how addition and subtraction happens with binary numbers. Changes to the leftmost bit indicate a kind of turnover of a binary number set. For instance, when a binary sequence of 1111 gets 0001 added to it, and becomes 0000, the carry flag is turned on.

Video Answer

1 Answers

I found a solution with ICC 13.0.01 using the _addcarry_u64 intrinsic

void add256(uint256 *x, uint256 *y) {
    unsigned char c = 0;
    c = _addcarry_u64(c, x->x1, y->x1, &x->x1);
    c = _addcarry_u64(c, x->x2, y->x2, &x->x2);
    c = _addcarry_u64(c, x->x3, y->x3, &x->x3);
        _addcarry_u64(c, x->x4, y->x4, &x->x4);


        xorl      %r9d, %r9d                                    #25.9
        movq      (%rsi), %rax                                  #22.9
        addq      %rax, (%rdi)                                  #22.9
        movq      8(%rsi), %rdx                                 #23.9
        adcq      %rdx, 8(%rdi)                                 #23.9
        movq      16(%rsi), %rcx                                #24.9
        adcq      %rcx, 16(%rdi)                                #24.9
        movq      24(%rsi), %r8                                 #25.9
        adcq      %r8, 24(%rdi)                                 #25.9
        setb      %r9b                                          #25.9
        ret                                                     #26.1

I compiled with -O3. I don't know how to enable adx with ICC. Maybe I need ICC 14?

That's exactly 1 addq and three adcq like I expect.

With Clang the result using -O3 -madx is a mess

add256(uint256*, uint256*):                  # @add256(uint256*, uint256*)
movq    (%rsi), %rax
xorl    %ecx, %ecx
xorl    %edx, %edx
addb    $-1, %dl
adcq    %rax, (%rdi)
addb    $-1, %cl
movq    (%rdi), %rcx
adcxq   %rax, %rcx
setb    %al
movq    8(%rsi), %rcx
movb    %al, %dl
addb    $-1, %dl
adcq    %rcx, 8(%rdi)
addb    $-1, %al
movq    8(%rdi), %rax
adcxq   %rcx, %rax
setb    %al
movq    16(%rsi), %rcx
movb    %al, %dl
addb    $-1, %dl
adcq    %rcx, 16(%rdi)
addb    $-1, %al
movq    16(%rdi), %rax
adcxq   %rcx, %rax
setb    %al
movq    24(%rsi), %rcx
addb    $-1, %al
adcq    %rcx, 24(%rdi)

Without enabling -madx in Clang the result is not much better.

Edit: Apperently MSVC already has _addcarry_u64. I tried it and it's as good as ICC (1x add and 3x adc).

like image 115
Z boson Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10

Z boson