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Multi-Class SVM( one versus all)

I know that LIBSVM only allows one-vs-one classification when it comes to multi-class SVM. However, I would like to tweak it a bit to perform one-against-all classification. I have tried to perform one-against-all below. Is this the correct approach?

The code:

        model = svmtrain(TrainLabel, TrainVec, '-c 1 -g 0.00154'); 
        [predict_label, accuracy, dec_values] = svmpredict(TestLabel, TestVec, model);

I might have done some mistakes. I would like to hear some feedback. Thanks.

Second Part: As grapeot said : I need to do Sum-pooling (or voting as a simplified solution) to come up with the final answer. I am not sure how to do it. I need some help on it; I saw the python file but still not very sure. I need some help.

like image 512
lakshmen Avatar asked Jan 21 '12 13:01


People also ask

Is SVM one vs all?

The difference is the number of classifiers you have to learn, which strongly correlates with the decision boundary they create. Assume you have N different classes. One vs all will train one classifier per class in total N classifiers. For class i it will assume i-labels as positive and the rest as negative.

Is SVM good for multiclass classification?

In its most basic type, SVM doesn't support multiclass classification. For multiclass classification, the same principle is utilized after breaking down the multi-classification problem into smaller subproblems, all of which are binary classification problems.

What is one-vs-one and one vs all approach?

One-vs-all and One-vs-one are the two main machine learning approaches for solving a multiclass classification problem. In both of these approaches, the choice is transparent and the output returned to the user will always be the final values or classes.

What is the one vs all approach of solving the multi-class logistic regression?

One-vs-rest (OvR for short, also referred to as One-vs-All or OvA) is a heuristic method for using binary classification algorithms for multi-class classification. It involves splitting the multi-class dataset into multiple binary classification problems.

1 Answers

%# Fisher Iris dataset
load fisheriris
[~,~,labels] = unique(species);   %# labels: 1/2/3
data = zscore(meas);              %# scale features
numInst = size(data,1);
numLabels = max(labels);

%# split training/testing
idx = randperm(numInst);
numTrain = 100; numTest = numInst - numTrain;
trainData = data(idx(1:numTrain),:);  testData = data(idx(numTrain+1:end),:);
trainLabel = labels(idx(1:numTrain)); testLabel = labels(idx(numTrain+1:end));
%# train one-against-all models
model = cell(numLabels,1);
for k=1:numLabels
    model{k} = svmtrain(double(trainLabel==k), trainData, '-c 1 -g 0.2 -b 1');

%# get probability estimates of test instances using each model
prob = zeros(numTest,numLabels);
for k=1:numLabels
    [~,~,p] = svmpredict(double(testLabel==k), testData, model{k}, '-b 1');
    prob(:,k) = p(:,model{k}.Label==1);    %# probability of class==k

%# predict the class with the highest probability
[~,pred] = max(prob,[],2);
acc = sum(pred == testLabel) ./ numel(testLabel)    %# accuracy
C = confusionmat(testLabel, pred)                   %# confusion matrix
like image 132
lakshmen Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
