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Move .ipynb using the IPython Notebook Web Interface

After creating a .ipynb file in the root directory /, how can you move that .pynb file into a deeper directory ie: /subdirectory using the web UI?

like image 511
Nyxynyx Avatar asked Jun 22 '15 19:06


2 Answers

As of Sep-21 2015, there is no direct feature that supports moving files. However, there is a simple workaround. (*)

  1. Select the file that you want to move.
  2. Click Rename
  3. Add the new path to the beginning of the filename.
  4. Click OK

That's it. You should be able to find your file in the new path.

(*) https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/471

like image 105
srctaha Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10


The steps below may be an overkill to explain how to move a Jupyter notebook file from one folder to another using Jupyter. . However, it may be useful for someone who may be trying this the first time.

Let's look at an example (with example screenshots) to move "practice.py.ipynb" from "/Learn/python/puzzles" folder to "/Learn/python/puzzles/exercises" folder.

Step 1: Check the status of "practice.py.ipynv" notebook If status is "Running" then the option to "Move" the file will not show. Follow along to "Shutdown" the notebook. If status does not show "Running" then proceed to Step 4.

Image link shows the status of the notebook. In our example it is "Running"

Step 2: Select the notebook by clicking the checkbox next to it. Image link shows the options for the selected notebook. "Shutdown" is displayed as an option. Move is not an option for a running notebook

Step 3: Click the "Shutdown" button for the selected notebook to stop the "Running" notebook. Image link show the notebook is no longer running

Step 4: Select the notebook by clicking the checkbox next to it. Image link shows the options for the selected notebook. "Move" is displayed as an option

Step 5: Click "Move" button. A pop-up window is displayed with the current path (folder) of the notebook. Image link shows current path as "/Learn/python/puzzles"

Step 6: Specify the folder where you want to move the notebook. Then click the "Move" button on the pop-up window. Image link shows here in our example, we would like to move it to "/Learn/python/puzzles/exercises" folder

File is no longer displayed in the current folder "/Learn/python/puzzles". File is no longer in the current folder. Image link shows practice.ipynb file is not in "/Learn/python/puzzles" folder anymore

Step 7: Click the exercises folder to navigate to "/Learn/python/puzzles/exercises" folder. Image link shows notebook "practice.ipynb" is moved to "/Learn/python/puzzles/exercises" folder

like image 41
learner Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
