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mouse in gnuplot x11

I noticed that I can use the right button of the mouse in order to zoom in a plot in gnuplot, with the terminal X11.

I don't find any documentation for the other mouse gesture. For example, it would be fine to do some zoom out! Could you suggest this?



EDIT: Apparently, the only possibility is to zoom in with the right mouse button and use the key p to come back, as Christoph suggested.

like image 848
altroware Avatar asked Apr 28 '14 15:04


1 Answers

Yes, the documentation is not very clear about this. You can find some information about this under help mouse (type this in the interactive gnuplot terminal, or see the section Mouse in the pdf). This shows you for example, that you can use the mouse wheel for scrolling in x and y direction as well as zooming (help mouse scrolling).

To get all the gestures, type show bind, which gives me (Linux, 4.6.4):

gnuplot> show bind

 2x<B1>             print coordinates to clipboard using `clipboardformat`
                    (see keys '3', '4')
 <B2>               annotate the graph using `mouseformat` (see keys '1', '2')
                    or draw labels if `set mouse labels is on`
 <Ctrl-B2>          remove label close to pointer if `set mouse labels` is on
 <B3>               mark zoom region (only for 2d-plots and maps).
 <B1-Motion>        change view (rotation). Use <ctrl> to rotate the axes only.
 <B2-Motion>        change view (scaling). Use <ctrl> to scale the axes only.
 <Shift-B2-Motion>  vertical motion -- change xyplane
 <wheel-up>         scroll up (in +Y direction).
 <wheel-down>       scroll down.
 <shift-wheel-up>   scroll left (in -X direction).
 <shift-wheel-down>  scroll right.
 <control-wheel-up>  zoom in toward the center of the plot.
 <control-wheel-down>   zoom out.
 <shift-control-wheel-up>  zoom in only the X axis.
 <shift-control-wheel-down>  zoom out only the X axis.

Space          raise gnuplot console window
 q            * close this plot window

 a              `builtin-autoscale` (set autoscale keepfix; replot)
 b              `builtin-toggle-border`
 e              `builtin-replot`
 g              `builtin-toggle-grid`
 h              `builtin-help`
 l              `builtin-toggle-log` y logscale for plots, z and cb for splots
 L              `builtin-nearest-log` toggle logscale of axis nearest cursor
 m              `builtin-toggle-mouse`
 r              `builtin-toggle-ruler`
 1              `builtin-previous-mouse-format`
 2              `builtin-next-mouse-format`
 3              `builtin-decrement-clipboardmode`
 4              `builtin-increment-clipboardmode`
 5              `builtin-toggle-polardistance`
 6              `builtin-toggle-verbose`
 7              `builtin-toggle-ratio`
 n              `builtin-zoom-next` go to next zoom in the zoom stack
 p              `builtin-zoom-previous` go to previous zoom in the zoom stack
 u              `builtin-unzoom`
 Right          `builtin-rotate-right` only for splots; <shift> increases amount
 Up             `builtin-rotate-up` only for splots; <shift> increases amount
 Left           `builtin-rotate-left` only for splots; <shift> increases amount
 Down           `builtin-rotate-down` only for splots; <shift> increases amount
 Escape         `builtin-cancel-zoom` cancel zoom region
like image 196
Christoph Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10
