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morris.js issue with hours on x-axis

I am trying to create something like the google analytics Audience Overview graph. I am trying to put Hours starting from 12:00am midnight to 11:00pm on the x-axis

This is what I am currently using:


    element: 'chart_div_compare',

    data: [            
        { hours: '00:00', a: 793, b: 729},
        { hours: '01:00', a: 524, b: 537},
        { hours: '02:00', a: 337, b: 347},
        { hours: '03:00', a: 272, b: 213},
        { hours: '04:00', a: 176, b: 169},
        { hours: '05:00', a: 174, b: 147},
        { hours: '06:00', a: 212, b: 193},
        { hours: '07:00', a: 341, b: 294},
        { hours: '08:00', a: 551, b: 501},
        { hours: '09:00', a: 724, b: 692},
        { hours: '10:00', a: 880, b: 896},
        { hours: '11:00', a: 955, b: 1004},
        { hours: '12:00', a: 1053, b: 1142},
        { hours: '13:00', a: 1063, b: 1150},
        { hours: '14:00', a: 92, b: 1123},
        { hours: '15:00', a: 0, b: 1151},
        { hours: '16:00', a: 0, b: 1222},
        { hours: '17:00', a: 0, b: 1155},
        { hours: '18:00', a: 0, b: 1246},
        { hours: '19:00', a: 0, b: 1100},
        { hours: '20:00', a: 0, b: 1199},
        { hours: '21:00', a: 0, b: 1395},
        { hours: '22:00', a: 0, b: 1361},
        { hours: '23:00', a: 0, b: 1005},
    // The name of the data record attribute that contains x-values.
    xkey: 'hours',
    hideHover: 'auto',
    // A list of names of data record attributes that contain y-values.
    ykeys: ['a', 'b'],
    // Labels for the ykeys -- will be displayed when you hover over the
    // chart.
    labels: ['2014-04-16', '2014-04-14']

The x-axis becomes 1900, 1910, 1920. Is my format wrong for the hours column? I cant figure how to get this to graph right but ultimately i would like 12:00 AM, 1:00 AM, etc

like image 437
user1050544 Avatar asked Apr 16 '14 18:04


1 Answers

I just went into the same problem, maybe you can use the following option:

parseTime: false

Or you can customize the format method for xlabel. For further information, you can check this website and morris on github.

like image 147
zhaodaolimeng Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10
